Chapter 5

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TW: mentions of domestic violence and sexual assault

Kim Taehyung huh?

The name just rolled right off of the tongue.

Ever since Jimin had called on his phone, I couldn't stop thinking about him. I didn't know why, but I was so intrigued by his disposition.

Ever since that day, Jimin had managed to snag my number from the phone, so whenever I had time to be on the hotline phone, I'd chat with him about random stuff.

He was a pretty cool friend.

But I wanted to know more about Taehyung. Nothing too serious, just a good ol' friendship.

However, from what Jimin told me about his moods, it's didn't sound like he was ever going to be friends with me.

I must've really been zoning out because the next thing I knew, there was an aggressive thud to my head.

"Ouch what the hell?! Hana?! Jeez why did you hit me?!" I winced.

She looked annoyed, "I don't know Jiyeon, maybe because I've been talking to you for the past fifteen minutes and you've spaced out the whole time."

I grimaced, "Oh sorry. But did you have to hit me?"

She smirked, "You're paying attention now aren't you?"

The two of us walked to the break room for some coffee while she talked my ear off about some baby shower she went to.

But I wasn't really listening again. My mind kept drifting back to the mysterious stranger.

I tried to remember his voice the first time he called me. And I tried to match the voice to the name. Kim Taehyung, the single father with a voice deeper than an ocean, and a tragic love life.

I imagined what he looked like. Maybe he was in his thirties or late twenties. I wasn't sure what to imagine his face as. Maybe gorgeous and refined or maybe handsome and boyish.

I mentally scolded myself. Why was I thinking so hard about him? He definitely hated my guts.

But I couldn't help it. Ever since Jimin and I talked, I've been infatuated with this Kim Taehyung.

Hana sighed, "Why do I even try? Okay girl, spill. Why are you zoning out so much?"

I thought hard about how to phrase this. Not even Hana knew about the rejection hotline thing, so I had to be extra careful with my words.

"Well this guy accidentally called me the other day..."

And so I went onto explain the whole mistaking me for his ex-fiancée and the whole drama with that and how I couldn't stop thinking about him for some reason.

When I finished talking, Hana had the stupidest grin on her face.

She smirked, "It's about time you started to put yourself back out there."

I pouted, "Don't you think it's too soon. Everything just feels so raw to me."

Hana patted my back, "Jiyeon, it doesn't matter if it's now or if it's ten years from now. You're first relationship after your last one is always going to feel raw and uncertain. But why hide from a relationship all together. Not everyone is like him you know."

I leaned against the counter, deep in thought.

Remember how I said there was a deeper reason for why I started the hotline? It was a lot more selfish than selfless to be honest.

The Rejection Hotline | k.thTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon