Chapter 23

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One Month Later

Hana and I happily skipped into work with our arms linked as we gossiped and discussed about our holidays and whatnot.

Everything in life just seemed to finally be going perfect. I had a great boyfriend with great kids, I had a sustainable job, a reliable friend, and a comfortable roof over my head.

Things finally seemed to be looking up for me.

"So~ have you guys told the kids yet?" Hana asked while I got situated at my desk.

I grimaced, "We did...accidentally. On New Year's Day, Taehyung and I had planned to rush back from our parents' place and meet up, with the kids of course. After Christmas, we really didn't have much time to meet, so when we met up, we may have sort of accidentally kissed on impulse while the kids were watching."

Hana's eyes widened in shock, "Oh dear. And how did they respond?"

"Actually, they didn't really care. Kanghee had no idea what was happening except that we were like 'Flynn and Rapunzel' while Kangmin just silently approved," I said.

"Oh. That sounds good then. You've been accepted by the most important people so now you're free to do whatever you want. Do I perhaps hear wedding bells?" Hana teased.

I choked on my coffee, "H-Hana. It's only been a few months what are you talking about?"

She shrugged, shooting me a cheeky smile as she went back to her desk to begin on her work.

I chuckled to myself, starting on my own work as well. Which of course consisted of endless calls and lots of typing at the computer.

But whatever it took to pay the bills right?

I settled into my seat and dove into my work, blissfully unaware of the problem that would soon arise.

Time Skip

I took one last big stretch before finally standing up from my seat after a long day of work.

It was always the feeling at the end of the day which made me so happy. That feeling of completing all the tasks and being allowed to go home. Ah such a good feeling.

"Jiyeon! I'm off! You coming?" Hana called.

"Coming!" I shouted, running after her and heading to the parking lot.

She dropped me off home before driving off home herself.

I threw my bag onto the couch and flopped onto the couch.

I had a few rejection hotline calls, but lately they had died down, so I was never as busy. Which I was grateful for but I just hoped if people needed it, they would call.

I began randomly searching through the TV channels, hoping to stumble upon some unwatched drama. But instead, I ended up surfing through several entertainment channels.

I was going to turn the TV off, until I heard a familiar name be mentioned across the channels.

"Miss Rejection..."

"We have gotten permission from the reporter to share this on our station as well."

"This is a conversation between the infamous Miss Rejection herself and a reporter at (news station)."

"Her platform the rejection hotline garnered a lot of attention. Here is her answering a few questions with our reporter about her unpaid work and how she feels it contributes to the world around her."

So I watched intently as the news displayed my call with the different news reporters and each of my flawless answers.

I'll admit, I was rather proud of myself for my eloquence, but it was expected. I had a communications degree for a reason.

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