Chapter 38

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Ready for a fun time Skip 👀 we're almost at the end so this chapter is like filler for the next two chapters. I feel like I haven't said it at all this book so I'll say it now...HAPPY READING 📖

3 Months Later

Time flew by in the blink of an eye. So here's a short recap of the beauty that had happened in the past three months.

Taehyung and I had gone to the police station to give our statements, so I had to recount the details of that night again, but it was worth it because apparently Woojae had admitted to everything that he had done. From the stalking, to violation of the restraining order, as well as the several versions of assault charges I had accursed him of. Apparently he was proud of it, but it only worked against him in the end. When we took it to court, he got put away for a long time. And by the time he got out, he'd have some pretty strict rules about being in the world.

Along with that, I had quit my job. Like I mentioned way back when, I felt like I wanted to do more to connect with people. I had a degree in communications but all I was doing was helping people for the scheme of a company. The hotline was still going strong and I realized how much of my life revolved around it. There were so many people who used my services and I wanted to be available as much as possible. So with the help of Park Jimin and his very influential butt, he managed to talk with a radio station and got me a slot as a show host for almost four hours a day. The catch was that I had to do it with another radio show host. Honestly, I got the best partner ever. They were very charismatic, roguishly handsome, and had a knack for the industry. It was none other than...Kim Taehyung!

Taehyung never got to achieve his dream of pursuing music, so we thought a different route of achieving that would be to be a radio show host. He could play songs and goof around and sing them if he wanted. We weren't sure exactly what we wanted to do yet because we weren't starting for another month, but we were excited.

With all the down time, the two of us decided it was time to have that date that had gotten postponed oh so long ago.

"Hey kiddos! Let's go!" Taehyung called.

Oh yeah, side note, I officially moved in with Taehyung and the kids too!

The two kids came barreling out of their room, running straight for us.

I held my arms out and caught Kanghee, picking her up and spinning her around. I balanced her on my hip while I fixed the tiny yellow hat onto her head.

"Let's go!" Kangmin whined.

Taehyung groaned, "Hold your horses Minnie."

Taehyung did his usual fatherly routine of making sure that we all had everything and made sure that the kids were ready accordingly to our adventure.

Honestly, I never got tired of seek for Taehyung be a father. The way he bent down to his kids' height just to brush some dirt off of their pants or even just to give them a hug, made my heart melt.

Feeling the kids' eagerness, I egged them on, "Alright Tae, I think we've made them wait long enough. Who's ready?!"

The kids cheered excitedly in response to my awesome hype.

Kangmin was the first one out, seemingly the most excited too.

Taehyung took Kanghee from my arms and helped her and Kangmin into their booster seats before fastening their seatbelts.

He snaked his hand around my waist as we walked to the front of the car. He pressed a sneaky chaste kiss to my lips before slinking away to the driver's side, leaving me a blushing mess.

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