Chapter 4

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Just a reminder for those who haven't read my books before, italics means it's the person on the other line during a phone call. It's all based on POV so watch out for that 😊

Jiyeon POV

I was working on a few things for my job when my hotline phone began to ring.

I picked it up and glanced at the number. It seemed familiar. Had this person called before?

"Hello. This is the rejection hotline. If you were given this number, it means that the person you received this from is not interested in you whatsoever and got so fed up that they gave you my number instead of rejecting you. May I ask where you got this number so I can help you understand why you got rejected?"

There was a slight pause on the end before the caller burst out into laughter.

Okay? Not the weirdest response I've got.

"I'm sorry, I've been waiting for this day."

I was even more confused, "Umm...sorry what?"

"Haha sorry, let me fix that. I've been dying for someone to give me this number for a while. I didn't want to call myself because that would be boring. Albeit this isn't as entertaining either."

"I'm sorry, I'm very confused. Are you here because you got rejected or..."

"No no nothing like that. No one has rejected me and given me your number sadly. This is my friend's phone and I'm calling because I've wanted to experience this ever since you started."

I couldn't help but laugh at the scenario in front of me. The caller sure knew how to be charming.

"Well what friend? Usually my clients give their names."

"Ah sorry. He's looking at me angrily telling me he didn't give you his name."

I chuckled, "Ooh so he was one of the angry clients. I got you."

"Angry client is one way to put it. He looks like he wants to murder me, but he can't do anything because his kids are around."

"Oh boy it was a father. Yikes."

"Anyway, I wanted to ask you, because I've always been curious, why did you start this? I mean, I don't know but I don't think someone normally would go, 'hey let's start a hotline to reject people!'"

I bit my lip. There was a reason. A deeper one than most people thought. But one I wasn't going to share with a random stranger.

"Haha well that's how it went. I was at a club with my work friends and I saw some poor guy pestering a young girl who obviously was struggling to say no, so I told the guy to back off. I kind of liked the power I felt that night."

Which wasn't a lie. That was how I started this whole thing, but there was an underlying meaning behind it all.

"Wow so you're like a modern day vigilante. That's so cool. Damn, if this was around when I was going to clubs, I would've been handing your number out left, right, and center."

"Don't I know it," I chuckled.

"But you're quite the hidden identity I must say. You're so elusive that everyone calls you Miss Rejection. Is there a name behind that title?"

The male's voice had lowered slightly into a very flirtatious tone. God, it had been a while since someone openly flirted with me. I've missed it.

I snorted, "Well random stranger who called me not even to get rejected, I don't know if me giving out my name is a normal thing to do. Considering we've only known each other for a few minutes."

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