Chapter 19

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Jiyeon POV

Life had a funny way of making things unnecessarily difficult for me. I had come to terms with that prospect simply because it was true.

After Eunjae's surprise call, we found out that the mail Taehyung got was the invitation to Seoul Fashion Week.

We were deliberating what we should do, but Taehyung said that he wanted to go just to see what she wanted. But the invitation came with a plus one, so he wanted to take me with him.

So now I was mentally preparing to meet his ex-fiancée who basically abandoned him and their children.

Suddenly, my phone began ringing.


"Hey, can you come over?"

"Umm is everything okay?"

He sounded stressed beyond belief.

"No. Not really. Kanghee got really sick. Her fever is at one-hundred and one and she's thrown up once already."

"Oh my god, do you want me to take her to the hospital?" I asked.

"No. I'm with her in my room. She's sleeping next to me. But I need to focus on her since she's so little, so can you babysit Kangmin? I don't want to run the risk of getting him sick in case I caught it."

"Of course. I'll be right over. Give me half an hour."


I furrowed my eyebrows, "What?"

"No it's just, you accepted without hesitation. Thank you Ji."

I smiled, "Of course Tae. You know I adore the kids."

"Right. Okay, see you soon. Thanks baby."

I hung up the call and changed into something a bit more comfortable.

After a short taxi ride, I arrived at Taehyung's place. I got in with the spare key he had given me to see an empty house met with only the sounds of a very painful cry.

I frowned, poor Kanghee.

I didn't see anyone so I headed over to Taehyung's room.

I knocked softly on the door.

"Come in."

I pushed open the door to see Kanghee crying loudly into Taehyung who was helplessly trying to comfort her.

"Hey," I said, offering a small smile.

"Hey. Sorry about this. Kangmin is sleeping right now but he'll be out and in need of attention shortly," Taehyung said.

I smiled, "That's fine. I brought some stuff from work to do. But I have a gift for my little lady."

Kanghee slightly perked up at the mention of a gift for her.

From my bag, I pulled out a 'feel better' stuffed bear.

Her expression slightly brightened as she looked at the adorable stuffed animal. I gently handed it to her, watching in awe as she immediately stopped crying and played with it.

Taehyung watched the interaction closely, and I could see the pride in his eyes. He must've been happy that his girlfriend and daughter were getting along so well.

"Thanks Jiyeonnie," Kanghee coughed.

"Don't mention it little lady. You get some rest okay. Let me know if you guys need something to eat."

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