Chapter 34

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Taehyung POV

I watched dejectedly as Kanghee raced into Jungkook's arms.

It had been a week, or maybe more, I honestly was too out of it to know. But it had been a week since Jiyeon had caught me and a week since she contacted me. And it had been a few days since I went over to her house and messed things up even more.

At this point, I felt like nothing more than a screw up. The guys often came over to play with the kids and talk to me, but none of it helped.

I wanted her back. I wanted to make things right. And I wanted my kids to smile again. The way they did with her. I would give anything to see them like that again.

Jungkook sat beside me with Kanghee in his arms, trying to get her to face me, but she just looked down at her toy.

I sighed, running my hands through my hair.

"It's fine Kook. You don't have to keep trying. They talk to me when they need to, but I don't think anything will be normal until they see her again," I said defeatedly.

Jungkook looked at me worriedly.

"Hyung, I'm seriously worried about you. No offense but you look like you're on the verge of death," he said.

I huffed, "Wow thanks. I'm okay, I guess."

Jungkook scoffed, "Hyung, nothing about you is okay. You must have really loved her if you're this heartbroken."

"Of course I loved her Kook. I still do love her. Do you know how much she meant to me? How much she meant to us? She was family Jungkook. More than you know. Our unit never extended past the three of us. When Eunjae left, the three of became a tight knit unit. I never let anyone into that unit. Not even Jimin was as close. But Jiyeon, she wove her way in without even trying. Despite everything obstacle that prevented her from squeezing her way through, she made it. She overcame my abrasiveness, she won over Kangmin, and she always had a special place in Kanghee's heart. She really completed us Kook. And I screwed it up."

My voice broke and tears welled up in my eyes. To my surprise, Kanghee had shifted off of Jungkook's lap and gave me her 'up' motion. I picked her up and held her close to me, scared that if I let her go, she'd leave me like Jiyeon because I was an idiot.

"I don't get it hyung. Not to discredit your feelings but don't you think you're being slightly melodramatic?" He questioned.

I cocked an eyebrow, "Enlighten me."

He shrugged, "Well it's simple really. You two never broke up. You're not even really fighting if you think about it. Actually yeah, what the heck are you doing hyung? I'm sure she's cooled off enough for you to talk to her now. You're here moping as if she broke up with you. The closest thing to that was her friend kicking you out, but other than that, all that's really happening is miscommunication."

The more I thought about his words, the more I realized how right he was. Jiyeon never said the 'b-word.' She never even mentioned it.

I thought her leaving implied it but Jungkook was right. The miscommunication had led me astray.

"I think we need to start with the innermost circle first though," Jungkook said suddenly getting up.

He picked up Kangmin and put him in front of me.

"Talk to them hyung. I'll be right outside," Jungkook said before going outside, leaving me along with my beloved babies.

Kanghee was cuddled up in my arms while Kangmin was awkwardly shifting the weight between his feet.

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