Chapter 14

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Jiyeon POV

Taehyung was laughing as I hung up the phone.

Kanghee who was in my arms had no clue what was going on but if it was part of the 'pretend' game, she didn't care.

Recently, I found myself visiting the Kim's quite often because Kanghee wanted to see me. Though I suspect their was an ulterior motive as Taehyung always seemed extra excited when I came.

We were currently playing 'pretend radio' where we were all radio show hosts.

I was able to incorporate my rejection hotline calls easily with no opposition from Kanghee because it was fun for her.

If I was being honest, being a radio show host seemed fun. No one would see my face, but I had a platform to talk about the world, music, and make a difference in someone's usual commute.

Kanghee tugged on my shirt signaling that she wanted attention.

I had quickly picked up on all of her habits which only made me feel more bitter.

"Jiyeonnie. Can I call you that?" She asked.

I chuckled at the cute name, "Your daddy did so why not?"

Kanghee looked at me thoughtfully, "Can I call you mommy?"

It felt like the whole world stop. Everyone stopped what they were doing. Kangmin who had been passive-aggressively doing his own thing now had his full attention on the two of us, and Taehyung who had been watching our interactions affectionately, stared with wide eyes.

I bit my lip nervously, unsure what to say.

"Well...I don't know about that. I'm your friend," I tried to avoid the question as best as possible.

She huffed, "But you're just like Sofia the First unnie's mom."

"Sometimes nice people are like that. But I think Jiyeonnie sounds cuter anyway," I tried to steer her away from the topic and just get to the point.

She seemed conflicted but she shrugged and continued to play as if that incredibly tense moment hadn't just happened.

I cleared my throat, signaling for someone to say something to change the topic.

Taehyung luckily got the hint, "Ah. Hey, did you kiddos know that we've got some fun people coming over in a bit?"

Kangmin's eyes lit up.

Damn the kid really didn't like me.

"It's a surprise though."

The kids quickly forgot about the previous conversation and began blabbering about who was going to come over. It was obviously Jimin and another one of Taehyung's friends, but they were kids so I'd let them have their fun.

Taehyung appeared behind me and whispered in my ear, making me jump, "Can I talk to you for a second?"

My face was burning, but I nodded, following him further into the living room, far enough away from the kids.

"I'm sorry about Kanghee," he apologized.

I waved him off with a small smile, "It was cute while it lasted."

Taehyung offered me a reassuring smile, "You know, you could always adopt or get a surrogate."

I raised an eyebrow, "Oh? So now you're giving me advice. Last I remember, it was my job to help you move on from Eunjae."

He flinched at her name and I realized that I had mistakenly struck a nerve.

"Oh my god, I didn't mean that. Like—that wasn't meant to be—I didn't think. Oh lord, I'm sorry," I fumbled.

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