Chapter 25

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Taehyung POV

"Woah Taehyung, are you sure this is a good idea?" Jimin questioned for the thousandth time.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm going to give you the same answer I gave you five minutes ago."

Jimin sighed, trying to position himself in between me and his computer screen.

He had been against this idea the whole time and wouldn't stop pestering me about it. It was frustrating because I knew how to handle myself and I knew where my feelings lied.

I loved Jiyeon. After that day, I was willing to shout it from the rooftops at any given moment.

"Taehyung, are you one hundred percent sure about this?" Jimin asked again.

Oh my god I was going to slap him.

"Jimin I swear if you ask again, I will smack you. I love Jiyeon. I love her so much. I feel absolutely nothing for Eunjae anymore. Zero, zilch, nada. I wouldn't even be wasting my time with her, but she's harassing Jiyeon and I won't stand for it," I said.

Jimin sighed, "She's still bothering Jiyeon?"

"Everyday. She calls Jiyeon everyday to curse her out. Jiyeon tried blocking her, but she has money and connections to keep getting different phones," I groaned.

Jimin made a face, "Ugh gross. She's unhealthily obsessed with the two of you."

"That's exactly why I'm going to go talk to her. I'm finally going to conclude that chapter of my life once and for all," I said.

I checked the time, excitedly finishing up the last of my work and officially clocking out for the day.

I had an important meeting that I needed to attend.

Thankfully, today, Jiyeon's company gave everyone a half day due to a bug infestation, so Jiyeon had already swung by to pick up the kids and take them home.

After what had happened, I refused to let Jiyeon stay at home alone. I didn't know what her ex was capable of, but I knew what mine was. And I didn't want to risk it.

Today however, I had some other things to take care of before I went home to my three angels.

Eunjae had been harassing Jiyeon nonstop. I was there half the time when Eunjae would call her or spam her with threatening messages. No matter how many times Jiyeon tried to ignore and avoid it, they were incessantly annoying so she had no choice but to acknowledge them.

Even I had tried messaging Eunjae for her to stop, but her mind had hyper-focused on Jiyeon.

She felt threatened and replaced by Jiyeon. Understandably so but still not justified.

I grabbed my things and sped out of the office. I quickly hopped in my car and drove off, heading to the location that the two of us agreed to meet at.

When I arrived, I sat in my car for a second, rethinking all my life choices. I was done with holding a grudge against Eunjae for what she did. Actually, it was Jiyeon who helped me let it go. I just wanted to end it once and for all and grant my lady some peace. This meeting would finally give me closure and end the affair once and for all.

I got out of my car and entered the tiny café, the aroma of fresh baked goods wafting around me.

"TaeTae!" A familiar voice squealed.

I took one last deep breath before plodding over to her.

The woman I once loved and would do anything for. The woman I was so blindly in love with that I'd sacrifice everything just to be with her.

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