Chapter 5

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Was I angry?

Oh no no no sweetie...

I was livid.

And I was humiliated.

Do you know, how utterly horrifying it is, to be dragged out of your work by the richest guy in the country, while everyone around whispers not so silently about what the heck is going on?

On top of that, I'm sure there was some sentiment to Seokjin and his methods, but he was deciding to everything without giving me a chance to talk or discuss it. He said he'd be in contact with me. He didn't say he'd storm into my work, drag me to my boss, expose that I'm pregnant, and then declare all these conditions.

Especially the living with him one. I was comfortable in my own home and now it felt like I was an animal being taken out of their natural environment.

Seokjin dragged me to my car and forced me to grab all my things. Then he made me hand over my car and house keys to some of his people and claimed that they'd go to my house and pick up belongings that seemed important.

"So you're just going to let random people into my house without supervising them?" I questioned in disbelief.

He scoffed, "Well duh. You want your stuff don't you?"

I snorted, "Yeah sure, but what happens when it doesn't turn up because they stole my stuff."

He glared at me, "It's insulting that you think I would hire such lowlifes. I suggest you rethink your preconceptions of me and my underlings Miss Kwon."

I held my tongue, suppressing my anger and giving him a curt nod. As stupid as it was, I had to know my place. It wasn't often you'd see a seven gem doing anything remotely like this. More often than not, it'd be more likely that if someone confessed that they were pregnant with their child that they'd leave them high and dry.

So I just had to pray that no one would steal anything and bring everything I needed.

That being said, this didn't mean that I didn't have a right to be upset with Seokjin. I was a human above everything else. And I was currently feeling more like an object than a person.

Seokjin dragged me to his car and signaled for his driver to open the door for us. He got in first, crawling over to the far end and then I got in, thanking the driver several times.

The car was fancy, much like everything else surrounding Kim Seokjin. The seats were pure leather and on the side of the door was small cup holders filled with an array of drinks ranging from extremely expensive French champagne to extremely fancy looking bottled water.

I fiddled with my fingers, still at a loss for words at this whole situation.

No matter what, I refused to look in Seokjin's direction. I was too nervous and angry to spare him a second glance. So instead I looked out the window at the passing scenery of the city.

It was beautiful to see. Watching how everything worked like clockwork almost as if everyone was an extra in a movie. This was daily life. This was my daily life.

So when all of that cityscape gave way to the richer part of town with high trees and even higher houses, I felt like a fish out of water. It was beautiful and serene and the architecture was definitely something out of a movie but I just wasn't used to it.

I wasn't used to seeing the wealthier walking in their designer suits and dresses talking to each other as if they were always at some stuffy party.

Nor was I used to the the premise of seeing servants of all kinds. It was like there was a butler or maid for every little task. Someone got the mail, another walked the dog, another trimmed the hedges, and another planted the flowers.

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