Chapter 19

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"Relax Jinnie. I don't know why you're freaking out so much," I said.

The well dressed man beside me who you'd never assume lost his cool was currently having a mental breakdown while tightly gripping the steering wheel.

"I can't relax Yubin! Your mom is singlehandedly the scariest woman I've ever met, and I work with business people," he shuddered.

I smacked him upside the head, "Watch it. This is my mother you're talking about."

He grabbed my luggage from the trunk and left his since Driver Son would come pick him up in the morning.

I amusedly watched him trudge with the luggage to the front door. It seemed my mother had made quite an impression on him.

I knocked on the door, it opening to reveal my very tired looking my mother.

Still she managed to wear a bright smile at the sight of me and instantly pulled me in for a tight hug.

"MY BABY!" She squealed.

I laughed, "Hi mom."

She pinched my cheeks and cooed at my baby bump. Seokjin was awkwardly standing off to the side, trying his best to hide in the dark from her.

But I firmly grabbed his hand and pulled him into view beside me.

My mom looked at him in shock to which he just averted his eyes awkwardly and refused to make eye contact with her.

My mom was smirking playfully, giving the both of us an appraising gaze.

"Glad you could make it CEO Kim. Dinner is almost done. Why don't you two come in? I'll get your bag," my mom said, shooting Seokjin a special glance.

Seokjin squeezed my hand while shuffling behind me. Honestly, starting to see what he meant.

When we got inside, the first thing I noticed was my dad sitting on his chair distantly.

My heart dropped at the sight of his figure. He looked a lot slimmer from the last time I saw him. On top of that, he looked so pale and sickly. It was a senile sight and that broke my heart.

I sat beside him, taking his shaking hand in my own.

"Hi dad. It's Yubin," I said, loud enough for him to hear in his good ear.

But he didn't respond.

"Daddy?" I asked again, worry laced in my voice.

Seokjin shot me a sympathetic look as I helplessly looked at him.


"Who are you?"

Three words. Just three simple words that were enough to break me. A lump formed in my throat as I struggled to find the words.

No child should have to go through the day where their own parent forgets who they were.

It momentarily made me think of my baby girl. I refused to let myself ever forget her. I'd rather be dead than do that.

Seokjin sat beside me, comfortingly rubbing my back while I took a deep breath.

"Dad...I'm your daughter...Yubin," I said shakily.

"Oh," he said softly.

And that was it. Nothing else. It was like he barely even registered the fact that he had daughters.

But I was determined to keep talking to him. Even if he couldn't remember, I knew deep down inside of him, he'd at least be able to understand what I was saying.

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