Chapter 7

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Yubin POV

Another day in hell.

That was the first thing I thought when I woke up the next morning.

My meeting with my family went about as well as you'd expect. My dad was just getting worse by the day. It was truly heartbreaking to see.

I needed him to hold on for a few more months. I wanted him to see my baby. To see that he had a grandchild.

There was a soft knock at the door that pulled me from my thoughts.

I opened the door with a sigh, "I thought you worked on weekends too."

Seokjin shook his head, "Starting now, I don't. And neither do you."

"What? When did you decide this? I have to talk to CEO Kim about this—" I rambled in shock.

Seokjin waved me off, "I already talked to him and he approves of it. You're approaching ten weeks already so it's better to start whittling you off now."

It wasn't like I had a say in any of this so I just gave a small nod.

I turned to go back to my bed but a strong force grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

The next thing I new, my face was buried in Seokjin's chest and his arms were protectively around me.

My face went bright red in his embrace. This was definitely not something Kim Seokjin would do. And this is not something I would accept from Kim Seokjin. Yet here we are.

"Oh! Umm, sorry. I just wanted to ask if we could talk?" Seokjin chuckled nervously.

I looked down at the floor, awkwardly shifting the weight between my feet.

"Y-yeah sure," I stammered.

He uncharacteristically took my hand in his and pulled me out of my room.

I was totally flushed from his actions and majorly confused as to why he was suddenly being so nice to me.

He gingerly led me down the stairs and motioned for me to sit on the couch with him.

"Umm are you feeling okay, sir? I can make you some tea if you're feeling unwell," I offered awkwardly.

He waved me off, "You should know Miss Kwon that I have the immunity of a superhero. You'll never catch me getting sick."

I suppressed the urge to scoff, "Right, of course. My apologies."

I noticed that he was looking strangely nervous. The Kim Seokjin I knew never got nervous. It was almost like all that confidence he had was some sort of magical power that he just possessed.

Yet here he was, fidgeting right across from me.

"You wanted to tell me something?" I pressed.

"Ah right. Okay, I don't do this often so don't take it out of context. You are still a random lady who just happens to be pregnant with my child, but it has been brought to my attention that I'm being too overbearing of you and the child. I publicly embarrassed you as well as forced you to live here under the assumption that anyone would. What I didn't consider was that it might make you feel uncomfortable or out of place. On top of that, I made rules that might've seemed controlling and may have been perceived as rude. And for all of that, I want to sincerely...a—apologize."

I felt like my ears were playing tricks on me. Kim Seokjin was apologizing to me?

"Oh—wow okay. Sorry, I'm a bit shocked. Not that I thought you were incapable of apologizing or anything, but I'm just shocked. Umm thank you," I found myself stammering while my face flushed a bright red.

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