Chapter 18

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One Month Later

I woke up and stretched my arms high to the sky as morning light peered into the room.

I rolled over, expecting to roll into Seokjin's arms but instead I felt empty space beside me.

I let out a sigh, remembering that Seokjin now went to work without me.

We had been dating for about a month now, and on top of that, I had finally gotten to my third trimester and my bump was now highly visible.

With that being said, today was also the start of my maternity leave. Of course, me being me and the job position I had, I couldn't exactly not do anything, so I agreed to do a little bit of work here and there.

Lately, I had been dealing with the pregnancy symptoms really badly. In my first and second trimester with a few exceptions, the symptoms weren't too extreme or uncomfortable. But now, third trimester had hit in a whole other way.

Aside from my bump, my feet and ankles had also grown in size and often were hurting when I walked around too much. On top of that, I was experiencing major sleeping problems because of discomfort in my back. Seokjin tried buying me a body pillow but it's not really helping all that much. And coupled with all of that is the constant lightheadedness I feel whenever I do anything.

I was slightly worried because Seokjin had mentioned that he had to go on a week long business trip, and if I was being honest, I wasn't sure how I was going to get by. I had been too spoiled.

Which was why we agreed that I would stay with my parents for the week, but still, I think that might just add to my stress.

Along with everything else happening, my dad's health who had been slightly doing better had gone back to ground zero. And now it was going below that.

I was so scared every time my mom called me crying about what was happening. Since Eunbi was my younger sister, the burden of heavy things had often been put onto me and even into adulthood that stayed true.

And since Eunbi and Chanhyuk were gone on their belated honeymoon, there wasn't any child of my father's to check up on him as often.

So it would be good for me anyway to be there and help her, though I wasn't sure how I would manage.

I groggily crawled out of bed, ignoring the irritation erupting all over my body.

I let out an ocean of pee from my body, sighing at my new reality.

Once I had done my morning routine, I trudged out of Seokjin's lavish room and headed down the stairs.

I was surprised to see a decent spread of food waiting for me on the dining table.

An array of eggs, bacon, smoothies, fruits, and pastries lined the table. And right next to a floral bowl was a neatly written note.

Hey baby~

I'm sorry I couldn't be there for your first day of maternity leave. But I promise after my trip, I'll take my paternity leave and nothing will stop me. Until then, enjoy your day off and don't forget to pack, but make sure you take it easy. I'll help you with the heavy stuff and then I'll drop you off. I wish I could stay the night with your family :(

Your cutest Jinnie <3

I giggled softly, pressing the note to my heart.

It was him so I should've expected as much, but he was always so thoughtful.

I ate his spread to the best of my ability, stopping when my annoying pregnancy habits took over. With anything left over, I took the extra time to pack it all up and put it in the fridge.

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