Chapter 27

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I pushed the glasses up the bridge of my nose so they rested comfortably pushed against my eyes, acting as some sort of all seeing eye of vision.

I let out a long sigh as I massaged my temples and tried to remain vigilant under the immense amounts of stress I was under.

Other than the occasional times I would go to check on the dull Yubin, I was pretty much holed up in my study doing work.

There wasn't much else I could do.

After her father's death...well, Yubin took it very hard to say the least.

The funeral was held three days after his passing and it's been about a week since then, and nothing has gone back to the way it was.

It was like someone sucked the life out of Yubin and turned her into this walking shell of her former self.

I understood better than anyone that she was distraught and distressed so I tried to give her what I knew she'd want which was space.

She began to sleep in a separate room at night and would primarily remain their the whole day. The chances of me even passing by her were far and few between.

I would make her food and bring it to her and when I'd come back, only a portion was being eaten.

At this point, she was surviving off of the sole fact that there was a small human inside of her that depended on her to make it out healthily.

In some ways, I was eternally grateful for that baby for forcing her to survive and not totally go insane, but at the same time, I wondered if the baby was making everything seem more burdensome. As if it were a chore more than a lifestyle.

I didn't blame her for that of course. How could I? Everyone grieved differently and had the right to take the time they needed to heal.

What hurt me more was the fact that she was shutting me out. I knew she needed her space, but there was a difference between space and completely living separately.

After years of me being emotionally detached from everything, I finally found someone I could open up to. That I could open my heart for to love and be loved.

But that same person was now shutting me out after opening me up, and it hurt way more than I thought it would.

I wanted to be there for her the same way she was for me, but I had no idea how.

And if there was one thing that frustrated me more than anything, it was not knowing what to do.

As I continued to think about it, I grew increasingly irritated and upset.

I stared at the empty email inbox, agitatedly wondering when I'd get a response from the last major news company I was dealing with.

After I rushed Yubin to the hospital, well, many of the people there managed to get photos of her and I and it was quickly reported about in the news.

Luckily, I found out a minute or two after it posted so I had been working the whole week with major news companies as well as smaller blogs, private sources, and even people on the dark web to take it down so her identity was protected.

It was tough work, and I was stressed. All I wanted was to snuggle up with my girls and cuddle, but instead I was stuck in my study doing all this work while my girls stay locked in their room.

Frustration. Irritation. Longing.

All these feelings were building up inside of me until I finally snapped.

I slammed the pencil which I had been banging against my head on the table and got up abruptly.

I was exhausted and knew that I couldn't wait around forever. If you want something done, do it yourself.

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