Chapter 15

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Seokjin hugged me tightly, rubbing my back comfortingly just before we left the house.

Today was our second ultrasound which meant that the sex of our baby would finally be revealed.

The two of us had been anticipating this day for a while but we had never properly talked about it with each other.

"Come on Yubin. It'll be okay, I promise. There's no need for you to be nervous. You'll find out the sex of your baby and that'll be it. Nothing is going to happen," Seokjin hummed.

I frowned, "You keep saying 'your' baby as if it wasn't yours too."

He smiled softly, "Well, despite all of this, the baby is technically more yours than it is mine."

I looked into his eyes, "Seokjin, I want you in our baby's life. I wouldn't have called you if I didn't. We'll coparent. There's no shame in it."

I saw his smile fall a little and I wondered why.

"Y-yeah. Coparenting sounds good."

He gave me a small grin before slipping his hand into mine and leading me out to the car where Driver Son was already waiting for us.

The car ride was quiet at first, probably due to anxiousness from the both of us.

But it dawned on me that neither of us had truly sat down and had a full on conversation about the sex of our baby.

I was curious as to what his thoughts were.

"Seokjin...we haven't really properly talked about the sex of our baby. What were you hoping for?" I asked.

He considered my question, "Well I wouldn't really prefer one over the other. When I was younger, my extended family always told me that I had to have a son so that the family name could continue on through my parents' company. To them, daughters weren't capable of that. So for a long time, I always wanted a boy. But now I wouldn't really mind no matter what the baby was. What about you?"

I chuckled, "It's funny, when I was younger, I always argued with people at school about this. I think because of loyalty to my own sex, I always vowed to have a girl, but now that I'm actually having a baby, I'm not sure. I'd love the baby no matter what sex they were. And I'll love them long after and support them in every single decision."

Seokjin nodded, "I feel the same. But...if you had to guess, what gender do you think the baby is?"

I grinned, "Oh a boy for sure. I've just got this feeling."

Seokjin cocked an eyebrow, "Really? I was sure it'd be a girl."

I scoffed, "I think a mother's intuition wins."

"Oh but you should know Miss Kwon that I'm never wrong. CEO Kim along with his good looks is incredibly smart. A true genius," he winked.

I rolled my eyes, internally cringing at his cockiness.

"Okay but in all seriousness, we haven't thought of any names yet," he sighed.

"Yeah. I'm not sure. Did you have anything in mind?" I asked.

He shrugged, "I wasn't really sure but I always thought if I had kids, I might combine my name with the mother. The only name I had in mind is a unisex one. Yoojin."

I smiled encouragingly, "I like it. I was thinking too, but I didn't really come up with any boy names. Funnily, I was thinking of combining our names too. The name that came to mind was Suyeon. I don't know if it's good, but it's the only one I can think of."

He smiled warmly, "It's beautiful. I like it a lot actually. Kim Suyeon. It sounds perfect. Which is exactly why when the doctor tells us we're having a girl, we will call her Suyeon."

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