Chapter 27-the arrow

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Alex and her fellow soldiers began to walk slowly and carefully back towards the back of the castle. Things were silent... a little too silent. The smell of the air was odd and didn't smell like the normal smell of a battlefield. The red smoke still rose in the air. The distance fires still burned.

Alex held her hand up and pointed towards the castle, there was no one in sight but for a few shadows laid on the ground. There was not much of a choice on what to do next. Alex was hoping to catch whoever this is off guard, but there was no one. Her mind thought to Thomas, Lily, and the queen. While she didn't like this situation, she hoped they all were safe. Alex and the rest of the men continued to survey the land.

"Jack, you stay here with the men." Alex said wiping the sweat from her forehead. "I'm going to walk out a little further, then come out of the woods to draw whoever this is to me. Stay back until... well you know how this goes."

"No... we stick together." Jack said in an almost pleading voice

"This... This feels personal. Not like an attack from another kingdom." Alex whispered locking eyes with Jack "Don't trust anyone, and don't turn your back to anyone."

Alex started to step away.

"Wait" Jack said in a hurry as her hugged his adopted daughter. "Be careful."

Alex smirk and winked at him. Alex started to make her way away from the group hoping whoever this was would show themselves, then the group could surprise attack from their position.

Jack stared at Alex as she walked away. He knew what being 'bait' meant. He knew he may never see her again. But, he knew this was their role and he had to get his men ready for the final battle. Jack tore his eyes away from Alex and went to brief the men.


Alex walked a nice distance from the group. She wanted to give them a chance to be a surprise attack hoping that whoever this was would be expecting Jack and the rest to be behind her and not to her left. Alex came upon the perfect spot she could see the entire back side of the castle. She walked forward and steady her sword. She took a deep breath in and stepped out of the clearing.

Alex held her head high and her eyes opened. Waiting. But nothing came. Alex began to walk the grounds towards the castle leaving her more exposed. Alex thought she could hear Isabela in her head telling her to get back to cover, but Alex pushed forward. She started to see what the shadows on the ground are... bodies of her follow soldiers.

"Nathan..."Alex whispered as she recognized the body and knelt beside him.

Alex looked around and glanced to the spot where Jack and the rest of the men were. She never felt more alone. Alex stood up and place her sword in its holder. She was hoping to give the appearance of being disarmed or complacent. She was ready to end whatever this was. She was ready to see her family again.

Alex step forward again and let out a scream. But no one came. No other noises were made out loud.

Run a voice in Alex's head scream.

But Alex was approaching the back doors to the castle.


Alex's hand reached for the handle.


Alex pulled on the big wooden door, it creaked loudly as it opened...


Alex never saw the arrow coming


A few minutes earlier

Jack stood there after telling his men what is to be expected.

"She is just going to show herself and see if that draws anyone out." Jack said. "If it doesn't she will come back and we will go as a team"

Jack eyes search the wood line waiting for Alex to take her steps. What felt like hours for Jack, he finally saw Alex coming out of the wood lines many yards ahead. He watched as Alex walked forward with such determination.

"Okay Alex..." Jack whispered out loud

Jack stood still as he watched Alex continuing to walk forward.

"What is she doing?" Jack said through his gritted teeth

Jack moved forward getting closer to the edge of the tree line

"That's enough Alex" Jack said with a little hint of anger in his voice.

While he knew she couldn't hear him, the men standing next to him could. They all held their breaths waiting to see what would come next.

Alex bent down next to something...

"Allexxxx" Jack said almost now moving to the very edge, one more step and he would be exposed.

Jack watched as Alex put her sword away and let out a desperate scream.

"That's it" Jack said turning towards the men "We're going"

Jack and the men broke out in a sprint towards Alex. But, she was so far away now.

Running Jack never took his eyes off of Alex. He watched as she started to pull the doors open.

"NO!" Jack yelled with what air he had left in his lungs from running.


Alex stood there as she opened the doors. "NO!" she heard Jack yell from a distance and turned her head just in time as an arrow flew thru the small opening of the doors. The arrow brushed against her cheek causing red liquid to flow slightly down her face.

Alex hurriedly tried to close the doors but it was to late. The doors were being pushed opened against her. Alex stumbled backwards reaching for her sword. Out the corner of her eye, she saw what she thought earlier was bodies spring up from the ground.

Swords clashing and cries of the battlefield could be heard. It was an ambush. More men came running out of the castle. There was so many.

"MOM!" Thomas cried out. Alex's heart stopped as she looked at her son running towards her with a sword in his hand.

"Thomas, NO!" Alex yelled out as her sword hit another "Run Thomas"

Thomas swung his sword striking down a man who swung first. Bill ran up besides Thomas. Alex fought her way towards the boys.

"Go!" Alex yelled again but pulled Thomas into a quick hug while rushing them towards the tree line. "Bill what are you both doing here?"

Alex looked around the battle was moving further towards the side of the castle now. She could run now with Thomas, but what about Jack and her queen.

"We... were .... Attacked" Thomas said quickly but out of breath. "Aunt Lily escaped and went to the town. I think. To get help. We were separated and... "

"You both must hide" Alex said pushing them further away. "There behind the tree line you will find a large tree down, a short walk past it there is a cave. Hide. I'll find you soon."

Alex kissed Thomas quickly on the top of his head and smiled at Bill. "Go!"

Thomas and Bill sprinted towards the tree line. Alex watched for only a brief moment before turning to go help her men. 

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