Chapter 24-the picnic

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A few days had went by since that meeting. Alex felt hopeful for the first time in weeks. She was surprised at the support given by the town leaders. However, the Queen had a different outlook; something was feeling off about the meetings to her. The way George would look at Alex did not sit right with the queen. Alex noticed, but told her queen not to worry.

"I still don't understand why you are nervous now?" Alex stated to Isabella one morning while lying in bed.

"I can't explain it." The queen brushed some of Alex's hair out of her face.

"But, it feels like George and his group are backing down." Alex smiled into Isabela's hand

"That's what worries me." The queen said pulling back her hand to stand "They fought so hard the first few days, and now..... now it's like they want it to happen. Almost as if they are planning something."

"Okay" Alex stated climbing out of the bed to follow her queen. "Tell me what to do? I and those that we trust can go to the towns and see if we hear of anything."

"Maybe..." The queen said as she flicked her wrist to ready herself for the day "But I rather have those that I trust here.... encase something happens"

Alex walked to her queen and wrapped her arms around her bringing her close and whispered "Okay, what do you want to do. I trust and fully support whatever decision you make."

The queen smiled at her lover and leaned in to kiss her passionately.

"I told the leaders to take a break today. I think we all could use one." The queen smiled. "What would you like to do?"

"Welllllll...." Alex smirked

As if by knowing his mom and the queen was awake, Thomas came running in the room.

"O great!" Thomas ran to hug the queen. "You're up"

"Man, those guards are about to get a talking to..." Alex said in a stern yet playful voice "They can't even keep a kid out of the room"

The queen laugh as Thomas stuck his tongue out at his mother.

"Aunt Lily went to town with Mr. Chandler" Thomas rolled his eyes "she said there was no meeting today! What are we going to do? I want to..."

Thomas started to ramble on at everything he wanted to do while his mother and the queen listened.


"Bill!" Thomas ran towards his new best friend "Mom said we can go riding again and have a picnic on the beach!"

Bill beamed looking over at Thomas but still remembered his manners towards the queen.

"PawJack!" Thomas yelled again. "WE are having a picnic on the beach! Can you come?"

Jack stretched his arms over his head to help relieve some back pain. "I..."


The group smiled and Jacked knotted his head. "I was planning on have lunch with Francis"

"Please have him join us as well" The queen stated. "If you both would like to join that is"

"YESSSSSSSSSSS" Thomas yelled once again.

A short while later the group all sat on a large blanket on the beach. It was picture perfect. All their stomachs were full. Francis leaned against Jack. The queen and Alex sat shoulder to shoulder while holding hands. Thomas and Bill played like a pair of siblings chasing each other in the sand. The weather was perfect. The sun high in the sky. The queen could not have created with her magic a more perfect day with her magic.

The boys were a good enough distance away so that they could not hear the conversation on the blanket.

The queen let out a breath and looked at Alex. "I think Thomas and Lily should go back home. Only for maybe a little while."

Alex pulled away from the queen and looked confused.

The queen reached for Alex. "It's not that I don't love them both here. I would love nothing more than to have them live here with us forever."

Alex smiled slightly, but was still confused. "I thought you said they could stay here for a while? I don't understand."

"I think.... I just have a feeling. That feel I can't explain." The queen tried. "I just think something is going to happen. I don't know what. But, I want Thomas and Lily to be safe."

Alex pulled away again "I still don't understand. Safe from what? And what is safer than being here?"

"Tomorrow I will send the leaders home so they can start to implement our plan. I will announce the new law in a week. I just... I'm worried about what might happen when it does. I'm worried if there will be an increase of hate crimes or a civil war. I'm worried what George and his follow town leaders will do. I don't want to put Thomas or Lily in danger. If anything happens, I fear it will happen here at the castle first."

"Then you need to leave also. Go to another castle for now. One where no one knows you are there." Alex stated still confused.

"I'm not running. A queen does not run." Isabela sat up a little more.

"You could always say you are going on vacation your majesty." Francis chimed in

"No" The queen said simply "I will deal with whatever happens. I will change this law and I will announce my relationship with Alex."

Alex was in shock. They agreed once the new law took effect, they would no longer be together because of what that would imply. The queen changed the law because she was in an illegal relationship.

Alex finally understood. There were so many what ifs when this change happens, the queen wanted to protect Thomas and Lily. Alex had to stay to protect the queen. They have a plan for when the announcement takes place, and Alex has to make sure it gets implemented.

"Okay" Alex said softly "Tonight I will tell them and they will leave tomorrow evening. But for now...."

Alex smirked and looked over towards her son. She jumped up and ran after him, grabbing him, and spun him around until they both were so dizzy they couldn't walk. She would spend every last minute until he leaves hearing his laugh.

The group spent most of the day laying around on the beach. The rest of the conversations were light hearted and laugher filled the air.

Finally, Lily returned back to the castle and Alex told her she needed to speak with her and Thomas. She filled both in with the concerns and told them it might be best if they left for a while. The queen even suggested they go to Chandler's town. Alex agreed that she was worried if Lily and Thomas returned home, someone seeking revenge could easily find them there. At least with Chandler, he would protect them. So it was agreed, Chandler, Lily, and Thomas would all leave tomorrow evening.

The group walked in silence up to their rooms. Lily parted first going into hers. The queen and Alex tucked Thomas into bed after their nightly tickle fight and bedtime story. Isabela and Alex made their way back to her chambers and climbed into bed.

The pair laid in bed in silent listening for the sounds of the castle and the sounds of each other breathing.

"I want this." The queen whispered. Alex rolled on her side so she could face Isabela better. Alex reached out and touch the queen's arm, rubbing it softly. The queen rolled facing Alex too.

"I want you and Thomas and Lily. I want days like today on the beach. I want to help you tuck Thomas in bed every night until he thinks he is to old for it." The queen went on.

Alex smiled and leaned forward giving her queen a gentle kiss on the lips.

They both fell into a deep sleep in each other's arms. Both dreaming of the future. Neither one knowing what was taking place at the Tavern right outside the castle walls and what soon would happen that would change everyone's lives forever. 

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