Chapter 18- The sleepover

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Three days later, Alex was pacing by the doors of the castle. Her level of excitement was overwhelming. Things were finally looking up for her.

"Dear, if you walk any harder on this floor... you will leave a mark." The queen smiled as she made her way to Alex.

Alex smirked and turned to her queen. "I thought they would be here by now. What if something happened?"

"They are fine. I'm sure they will be here shortly." The queen reached out for Alex but then stopped herself.

"How did that meeting go? I should have been in there." Alex stated.

"Well, I haven't brought up what the meeting is truly about just yet. I'm waiting for all the leaders to be gather here before I do. Surprisingly, the majority is already here so I don't think we will have to wait much longer." The queen responded with a smile.

Alex knotted her head and the pair feel into a comfortable silence. Then in a distance, Alex saw figures appearing. She beamed and ran down the castle stairs. The queen followed.

A few very long minutes later. Alex had her arms wrapped around Thomas and Lily. Thomas ducked out from Alex's bone crushing hug and ran to the queen. He quickly stopped, bowed, and lunged forward at the queen wrapping her in a hug.

The queen smiled. She could get use to this.

"Come on, dinner is waiting" The queen patted Thomas' back looking at Alex and Lily. "James will bring your things up to your rooms".

Dinner was how it was back in Little Balwin. Full of stories and laughs. The queen never felt the castle was her home until now. Maybe home is not the place, perhaps it is a feeling you get where the people you care about are around. The queen thought as she looked out at the people sitting at her table. In all honestly, she should be dining with the leaders. But, she wanted this moment. She would dine with them tomorrow.

"Mom, please can I stay up. There are so many things I want to do! Can we go to the library? I want to see the horses! What about that beach you wrote about once? Where's paw-Jack? Can I...." Thomas rambled the entire way up the stairs as Lily, Isabela, and Alex walked behind.

Alex smiled "We have the whole week to do those things and if you're tired, you won't want to do anything." Thomas pouted. "Beside you know how paw-Jack is if you wake him."

Queen Isabela continued to look between the family as they went back and forward on why it was bedtime. Finally, the group reached Lily's room. She hugged her sister and nephew. Lily grabbed her door handle but stopped. She turned to look at the queen. "Thank you" she smiled before entering her room for the night.

A few steps away they were now walking into Thomas bedroom for the week. Thomas ran in and dove on bed. "MOMMMMMMMMMM!" Thomas yelled. "THIS BED IS AMAZING"

Alex walked closer to her son who was now laying on the huge bed. Alex sat next to him and looked at Isabela who was still standing at the doorway observing the interaction.

"Not far..."Alex joked "My bed is three times as small and not as soft....move kid, I'm sleeping here..." Alex playfully pushed Thomas causing him a burst of laugher.

"Noooo" Thomas laughed spreading his limbs out further.

The queen stepped forward alittle and finally spoke "I can arrange for you another bed if you want. Of course a bed this size wouldn't fit but..."

Alex giggled and smirk "It was a joke. My bed is just fine." Looked over at Thomas, "but as for him" Alex began her tickle attack on his ribs. Thomas tried to worm his way out and called out for the Queen.

"" Thomas struggled to say as his mother continue tickling "Pleasssssseeeee....."

Isabela laugh and throw her hands up "She never listens to me so you're on your own" Alex stopped her attack on her son and looked at her queen. The queen stood there smirking and giggling to herself for her attempt at a joke.

Alex glanced at her son and stated "Truce?" Alex smirked and knotted her head in the direction of the queen. Her son catching on to his mother's idea, smiled brightly. "GET HER!!" he giggled.

Before queen Isabela could react, Alex was already off the bed and picked her up. The queen playful struggled and the moment Isabel was placed on the bed, both Thomas and his mother started to tickle attack.

"I'm...." the queen tried to say "Not" she tried wiggling out of their reach "Ticklish".

The queen never laughed so hard in her life. Finally after all were worn out, they fell into a comfortable silence. Thomas moved himself to the middle on the bed by the pillows. Alex reached for him and laugh.

"Bath!" Alex giggled.

Thomas yawned. "To tired" His eyes already starting to drift. Alex rolled her eyes at her son and turned to the queen.

"Can know poof him clean." Alex asked "just this one time?"

The queen smiled, knotted, and flicked her wrist. Thomas' skin was cleaned and he was changed into his pajamas.

Thomas rubbed his eyes. "Can you read me a story?"

Alex climbed up next to her son and laid next to him on the pillow. She looked at the queen and gestured she could do the same if she wished. Isabela smiled and laid on the other side of Thomas.

"Which one?" Alex asked softly.

"The little prince and the wondering bird" Thomas yawned.

Alex smiled. It was his favorite story when he was a toddler.

"Ok." She said. Alex looked from Thomas to Isabela who seem to be settling in as well for the story. "Once upon a time, there was a little boy who was very lost. He had been walking for days in the wild forest. The little boy would cry "do you know where my mother is?" He came across a frog sitting on a log. "Do you know where my mother is?" The frog croaked and hopped away. The little boy came to wolf. "Do you know where my mother is? The wolf howled, scaring the little boy. The little boy ran and ran. He ran so fast he tripped. The little boy began to cry when a little bird flew down next to him. "Do you know where my mother is?" The bird sang happily. The bird pulled on the little boy's shirt and started to fly away. The little boy jumped to his feet and chased the little bird. The little bird flew out of the woods and to the big castle. When the little boy reached the castle, he saw a woman standing by a tree. The little boy ran to her. "Do you know where my mother is?" The little bird flew around and around. Chirping very loudly. The lady by the tree smiled. She clapped her hands and then the little bird was not a little bird anymore. "My little prince, I've been looking for you".

Thomas' eyes were closed. His breathing evening out. Alex knew he fell asleep. He normally does by this point of the story. Alex looked over at Isabela, who was laying there smiling.

"Let's go" Whispered Alex. Isabela knotted her head in agreement. Both began to climb out of the bed when Thomas turned over laying his head on Isabela's shoulder. She froze.

"Just push him off..."Alex giggled. "He is a heavy sleeper, he won't wake up."

Isabela laid there. She was enjoying this feeling. No one ever read her a bedtime story. She wanted to stay in this bubble forever. Alex scenting what was going on climbed back into bed.

"You think he's cute now... just wait until he starts moving around and you end up with a foot in your face" Alex whispered. 

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