Chapter 19-Thomas and the training fields

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How's everyone 2020 going so far? Sorry for the delay again.... another hurricane came for us in south Louisiana. I think I'm going to get back on track soon with updating more often! Let's just hope the rest of 2020 is better! Stay safe! 


The next morning, Alex woke feeling refreshed. She stretched her limbs and slowly opened her eyes to find an empty bed. Alex sprang out of bed running to the door, just glancing back for a brief second. Thankfully she did. There was a note on the end table. Alex walked to the note and read it.

You looked to sweet to awake. We will be down for breakfast. Please join us.

P.S. I did not wake up with a foot in my face, it was his arm.

Alex laughed at the letter and went to join her family.

"So what is the plan for today" Alex sat taking a seat next to Thomas.

"wen webel..."Thomas tried to speak with his mouth full. But Alex just gave him a confused look so he finished chewing what was in there.

He tried talking again "Queen Isabela has meetings, but she said we can go where ever we want"

Alex smiled knowing what those meetings were for and knotted her head.

The rest of breakfast went well with minor talks about the plans for the rest of the week. The queen is still waiting for a few more town leaders to join before bringing up the main event. Lilly said she was still tired of her travels and wanted to go back to her bedroom for a few hours. So only Alex and Thomas had to find something to get into.

The pair decided they would start the day by going to see Jack in the training fields. Alex was going to take Thomas to the library or the beach, but he insisted they wait until the queen and Lily joins them.

"PAW-JACK!" Thomas was yelling before they even entered the training field. Thomas took off running towards Jack and almost tackled him to the ground.

"AHhhH" Jack let out squeezing Thomas into a bear hug

Alex walked up to them. "Thomas gentle, you know paw-Jack is getting to old for that" Alex giggle. Honestly Jack wasn't "that old", but Alex still loved poking fun at Jack as he was the oldest in the unit.

"What are you doing here??" Jack beamed, he truly loved Thomas as if he was his grandson

"Queen Isabela invited us!" Thomas squeaked.

Jack gave Alex a smirk-y grin look. Alex rolled her eyes in response to already knowing what Jack was thinking.

"Lily is here too" Alex said. "She's resting"

Jack knotted his head.

"Can I learn to sword fight?!" Thomas asked staring over at Young Bill.

Alex hesitated for a moment, but agreed to let Thomas use the wooden sword. Alex showed Thomas the proper hold, stance, and a few moves. She asked young Bill to spar with Thomas, but both mainly practice defensive moves.

Alex walked back towards Jack, who was leaning back against a post. Alex watched as Young Bill walked Thomas through some defensive fighting steps. Young Bill is only a few years older than Thomas. Alex shook the thoughts of Thomas joining the army out of her head. She never wants him to see or go through what she did.

"He's improved A lot" Jack said gesturing over to young bill "I think his first lesson stuck with him"

Alex thought back to her first lesson to Young bill and Xzavier. Suddenly a chill went through her body thinking of Xzavier again. Wondering where he is? Alex tried to push these thoughts out of her head. Soon her relationship with the queen will be legal and there is not anything Xzavier can do. Right?

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