Chapter Two-The Knight's first day

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The rest of the night was a blur to Alex, but she woke early, readied herself, and was at the door of the Queen's chambers before sunrise. The door opened and Catherine walked out, glancing at Alex she spoke "The queen told me to inform you that you are not to speak to her unless spoken to. You are to stand in the background unless called upon. You will follow her anywhere she goes except when you are conducting training lessons to other members of the Queen's army twice a week. You will also maintain your personal fitness on your own time." Catherine walked away leaving Alex speechless. She knows they were not able to speak for long at the party, but she thought they had a small connection. Catherine didn't even address her. Maybe she was just all business during the day Alex thought.

Soon after the queen emerge out of her room not speaking a word or giving a glace to Alex and continued walking. Alex signed and followed. Most of the day was boring for Alex. The queen was in meetings and Alex stood on the wall... in the background... speaking to no one. At one point, Alex was fairly sure she was losing her mind because she thought the queen intentionally brushed against her chest while walking out of the room. The queen walked down the steps of her castle and out the front doors. 

Alexandria followed like a good little pet thought the queen. 

The queen walked to her stables and stopped. The queen raised her hand and in a cloud of smoke, her outfit was changed into riding clothes. Alex was stunned. That one rumor was true. The queen did have magic.

The queen stared at Alex remaining expressionless.

"Are you going to get a horse or do you plan on running beside me the whole time?" The queen finally spoke to Alex.

"I don't know how to ride" Alex stated.

The queen smirked. "A knight, the queen's knight does not know how to ride?.... figures."

"Yes my queen. My apologies, but in the army we just walked everywhere." Alex spoke with fire. "We didn't have horses"

The queen mounted her horse and looked down at Alex. "Run besides me then"

Alex was in disbelief. Was she really expected to run after the queen on a horse? Before Alex could even began to think of what she should do, the queen rode off. Alex ran after her through the fields and into the forest.

The queen obviously did not have the horse in a full sprint because Alex was able to keep up for the most part. However, Alex was starting to get tired after drinking all night, standing all day, now running after the queen. The Queen came to an opening. The trees cleared and now they were on a small private beach. The queen dismounted the horse and began to walk beside Alex. Alex was grateful for the small break but stayed quiet.

"I like to come here sometimes, only very few know. I would like to keep it that way." The queen spoke while Alex tried to catch her breath.

"It's beautiful" Alex said finally as she walked along the beach with the queen.

The queen looked at Alex and spoke "indeed". They continued their walk in silence for several minutes, maybe even hours because the sun was setting. The queen pulled herself up on her horse and looked down at Alex again. Alex could tell the queen was thinking about something, maybe the queen was going to demote her already. The queen sat up straight and looked forward.

"Climb up." The queen stated not looking at Alex.

"Umm..."Alex began. "When I said I don't know how to ride a horse, it was because I never been on one. They.... They kind of freak me out."

The queen laughed. "A Knight scared of a horse?"

"I'm not scared." Alex said. "I just never been on one."

"Climb up and never make me repeat myself again." The queen stated still not looking at Alex.

Alex unsure where to even grab to climb up started to feel around on the horse's seat.

"At this rate, it will be nightfall and pass my bedtime." The queen said, but Alex thought she heard a little laugh in the queen's voice. Alex pulled herself up behind the queen still unsure where to rest her hands.

"Grab hold, I need to make up time to get back to the stables before I can't see" the queen stated before taking off causing the horse to go full speed. Alex grabbed at the queen's waist and hung on.

Once back at the stables, the queen gave the stable boy her horse to take care off and finally looked at Alex.

"You are going to have lessons in horseback riding once a week, do not keep me waiting for them or you will run behind the horse every time I feel the need to ride." The queen spoke as she raised her hand in the air and disappeared behind a cloud of smoke.

Alex looked around.

"She does that sometimes. She magic herself back to the castle. You might want to run to catch up." The small stable boy said.


Alex wasn't sure what time she was allowed to go to her room or how long a day she had to follow the queen. But to be on the safe side, Alex ran up to the queen's chambers and waited outside the door. There were two soldiers standing guard that Alex didn't recognize. Feeling odd, Alex just stood there unsure what else she needed to do.

The doors opened and Catherine walked out of the queen's chambers and over to Alex.

"She asked for you to go in" Catherine stated and walked away. Alex thought she looked sad.

Alex swallowed her breath she was holding and walked into the queen's chambers. The queen was sitting up in her bed, in her silk night clothes. When the queen sat up a little more her covers slid revealing more of the queen's chest now only covered by a thin silk shirt. Alex licked her lips and couldn't help her eyes wonder.

"You're learning fast." The queen spoke pulling Alex out of her daze. "Today went rather well considering. Again I expect you to be at my chambers before sunrise. Gather your belongings from the solider quarters and bring them up here. You will stay in the adjoining room to mine encase I need your services during the night"

Alex mind wondered what services at night the queen spoke of and turned a shade a pink that did not go unnoticed by the queen.

"Yes my queen" Alex stated before running out of the room before her body could give her away.

The queen sat back, now alone in her room, and thought what a fun new pet she has now.

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