Chapter 6-the Knight's journey

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Hey friend! Thanks for sticking with this story so far! Don't worry, things between the knight and queen are going to start getting.... interesting soon. They are just two stubborn woman who are trying to avoid each other, but now they are about to go on a journey of self discovery.


The next day Alex was packed and ready. She was used to traveling. She actually loved it. She thought to Catherine and wondered if she should ask her to marry her when she returned. As if on a mark, Catherine appeared with the queen's bag. Alex glanced around checking to make sure no one was looking, grabbed Catherine around the waist before kissing her on the neck from behind.

"O please do get a room." Said the queen suddenly appearing in the carriage. Catherine jumped but Alex held on to her waist. She wasn't going to be bullied, even if that bully was the queen. After this journey, she was done with being her knight. She was done with listening to the queen cast fear among her people.

"Jealousy does not look good on a queen." Alex retorted almost challenging the queen.

The queen burst with laughed holding her stomach. "Jealousy? Dear..."the queen smirked and looked at Catherine. "Don't you have a husband and kids to attend to? Isn't that why you request not to come along. Imagine a queen without her handmaid." The queen leaned back in her seat.

Alex pulled quickly away from Catherine. Her chest pained. "Husband... kids?" Alex questions.

Catherine began to cry backing away from Alex. The queen laughed louder. "O and dear, do tell your husband I said congratulations on your expected child."

Alex felt rage and sadness. "Tell me it isn't true." Alex whisper.

Knotting her head to confirm, Catherine let go of Alex and ran back towards the castle.

"Get in. Seeing that my handmaid is not able to journey with us because she is pregnant, you get the privilege of riding with me." The queen sneered.

If Alex ever felt like hitting someone, it was right now. She climbed into the carriage and closed the door.

Alex remained quiet, lost in thoughts during the journey. She was still unsure where they were going, she just hoped they arrived soon. Alex glanced over at the queen who looked pleased with herself.

"Stop pouting after that handmaid dear" spoke the queen. "It doesn't do you well. You look like a child sitting there in silence." Alex wanted to tell the queen what everyone says about her, how no one likes her... how even her own personal knight almost hates her, but the carriage came to a sudden stop.

"Stay" Alex spoke opening the door and climbing out to see why they stopped. "Jack, everything okay?"

Alex walked towards her friend. "Yeah, it's getting near nightfall and we need to make camp." Jack spoke looking into Alex's eyes "hey, you okay? Some of the boys' overhead and well.... I'm sorry about Catherine. But I knew you were too good for her. Something about her was always off..."

Jack continued to speak about Catherine. Yes, there were signs but she just thought Catherine was scared of getting caught by the queen. Turns out she was scared of getting caught by her husband. Alex knotted her head and walked back to where the queen sat.

"We are camping here your majesty." Alex grunted. Grabbed her bag out of the carriage.

"Where do you think you are going?" Asked the queen. "You are not to leave my side while we travel. You are to sleep in here with me."

"Um.... "Stated Alex. "Maybe the fresh air is getting to you, but this is just a carriage... there's no bed so it would be more comfortable on the ground."

The queen rolled her eyes and flicked her wristed turning the inside carriage seats into a bed. Alex signed and climbed back into the carriage.

"There is only one bed in here your highness." Alex retorted.

"Is there a problem sleeping in a woman's bed Alexandria?" The queen asked with a fake smile. But, the way the queen said 'Alexandria' sent shivers down Alex's spine and it did not go unnoticed by the queen.

The next day Alex woke before the queen. Alex did not sleep well, she tried her best at not getting remotely close to the queen so most of her night was spent leaning against the door and trying not to accidently open it. Alex looked over the queen. She was truly beautiful. She looked peaceful sleeping.

The queen opened her eyes lazily and stated "it's not polite to stare dear" and sat up and fixed her clothes "Better get the men ready, we still have a long way before we reach our first destination." The queen spoke. Alex climbed out of the carriage and gathered the men.

Over half the day has gone by now. Alex still was giving the silent treatment to the queen... respectfully. Alex was looking at the window, when landmarks she recognized appeared. She sat up and pressed her face closer to the glass. This peaked the queen's curiosity.

"Recognize something dear?" the queen spoke pretending to be bored of the answer already.

"My home... well my family... They live here." Alex whispered becoming both excited and nervous.

"I did not know you were from Little Balwin." Stated the queen.

"I'm not" said Alex sharply "my family lives here now"

"well, don't expect us to visit" the queen commented "We are here to gather supplies, attend to a meeting, and be on our way"

Alex remained quiet. It's been almost a year since she saw little Thomas. 

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