Chapter 17- The much needed talk

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Sorry everyone for the slight delay. I live in South Louisiana and the Hurricanes have not been nice. But, I'm back! Here ya go. I hope you have enjoyed the story so far! 


After spending some time in the library, Alex went for a run. She ended up running her usual path and found herself almost to the opening of the beach. Alex slowed. Maybe Isabela is there. Alex mind told her to turn around, but her heart pushed her forward. Alex picked up her pace. Running through the opening, there Alex spotted the queen sitting in her normal spot on the log. Alex kept her head high and decided she would pretend nothing happened during their journey. In fact, Alex decided to ignore the queen all together for now.

Alex ran along the beach and past the log where the queen sat. The queen heard Alex's footsteps entire the beach; her heart quicken. The queen watched as Alex ran past her. Her mind raced... was Alex mad with her... did she hate her... maybe Alex didn't see her...

"Alexandria..."The queen spoke soft but loud enough for Alex to hear her. But, Alex kept running.

"Alex!" the queen almost shouted now. Alex stopped but refused to turn around. "Can we talk?" the queen asked.

Alex glanced behind her and saw the queen almost looked broken. Alex knotted her head and slowly walked back to the log. Queen Isabela patted the log as a silent request for Alex to sit next to her.

Both sat staring out over the lake. Each wondering what the other person was thinking.

"Sorry..."Alex began "for running on your beach...again. I just needed to clean my head"

The queen shook her head. "You can come here whenever you want... I'm actually glad you are here. I need to talk with you about..."

"I know." Alex cut the queen off. "I understand you have to do whatever you need to in order to protect yourself and the kingdom. All I ask is that I can stay in the army. I need the money for Thomas and Lilly. You can send me anywhere.... Just..."

The queen smiled and placed her hand on the knight's knee. "I prefer you stay here. But, only if you truly wish to stay. I understand if you don't."

"I..."Alex began. "I don't understand... you left. You haven't spoken to me since..."

The queen knotted her head. "I was scared... But I'm not anymore."

Alex wrapped her fingers around the queen and signed. "I kicked Xzavier out the army for not following the rules... and it wasn't just this one time either. There were a number of complaints from other soldiers. I thought he would make a great soldier because of his dad. His dad save my life once."

The queen gently squeezed Alex's hand and said "I didn't know that... I knew about his dad in the army, but not him saving your life"

Alex smiled at the memory "It was a long time ago. I thought I could help Xzavier also."

The pair remained silent for a few minutes, but continued to hold hands.

"What's next" Alex spoke softly "for us..."

"Well," the queen spoke looking into Alex's eyes "I'm going to change the law. I called a meeting with all of the kingdom's town leaders. I want to get their input, I don't want a civil war on our hands... It will take about a week for everyone to get here."

Alex beamed at her queen and asked. "Tonight's feast....can we be seen together?"

The queen smiled. Her knight wanted to be with her. "We can only be seen as queen and knight.... For now." Alex knotted in understanding.

The Kingdom of RiverNight- The Tale of the queen and her knightWhere stories live. Discover now