Chapter 20-the dinner

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A little over two hours later, Alex, Thomas, and Lily walked into the room where the town leaders were.

All of them were older men. Alex glanced around, she recognized some from having to stand in on meetings. Francis was standing next to the queen whispering something into her ear. She knotted along listening very intently.

Thomas stood closely to his mother and aunt. While he loved being around the queen, now he was in a room from of strangers and not as opened as before. Lily stood slightly behind Alex, not wanting to be in the spot light.

The queen sat at the head of a very long table and about 12 other men sat around. There were three open chairs at the front by the queen and Alex guessed there is where they would sit. None of the men glanced towards Alex and her family as they walked down the table. When Alex, Thomas, and Lily reached the queen, Isabela looked up and smiled. They took their seat.

Francis looked over towards Alex, smiled shortly, and left the room.

"There are still two town leaders not here yet but Francis said they will be arriving tomorrow." The queen spoke softly.

"Yes, I'm intrigued as to why we all gathered on such a short noticed." Said the short grey head man sitting across from Alex.

The queen smiled "As soon as the last two arrive, we will conduct our primary business. But until then, I do hope your enjoying your stay. It's been a few years since every town leader was gathered in the castle."

The man grinned. "Yes, I rather am enjoying my stay. I'm glad we were about to talk about those things for my towns people. Might I suggest a yearly meeting with all the town leaders? I feel like I'm learning a lot about our kingdom my queen. I know you visit and we are welcome here anytime, but it is nice to have everyone in one place. Lots of business to conduct and settle."

The queen knotted. "Perhaps"

Alex already started to let her mind drift as she does when she is accompanying her queen at the meetings until she heard a little huff besides her. Alex looked down to see Thomas fidgeting with his fingers. Alex reached out and patted his hand.

"sammmme" Alex whispered to Thomas. He glanced up at her with a questioned looked. "I feel the same. Don't worry the food should be out soon."

Alex looked past Thomas to Lilly who was sitting on the other side of Thomas. Lily was engaged in conversation with the man sitting on the other side of her. To Alex, Lily looked like she was enjoying herself.

"I'm bored." Thomas whispered back to Alex. Alex grinned and knotted.

Alex heard someone clear their throat next to her. "Alexander."

Alex look towards the queen who was laughing slightly.

"Banter" the queen gestured over towards the man who was speaking earlier. "Asked how do you feel about being the first woman to be knighted in all the kingdoms."

Alex politely smiled. "I'm honored. I'm thankful. I hope children can see, with hard work, you can achieve anything."

Banter knotted his head. "Before you were knighted, my grandsons would play 'guard the kingdom' but told my granddaughter she couldn't be a knight. If she wanted to play, she had to clean their toys or bring them a snack. But now, they let her play. You have inspired many."

Alex was taken back by his comment. "Thank you"

She felt a leg rub on her leg under the table and looked at her queen who was beaming at her.

Thomas wiggled in his chair, becoming more bored by the second. Alex felt his pain, she hated small talk. Thomas let out another sigh, a little louder than the one before.

"Okay, you can go find paw-Jack or Thomas. But if you get hungry later, don't come crying to me." Alex giggled. She knows Jack would feed him, but if not... Alex would still find him something. After all, what's being a mother without a little fun aggravating your kid?

Thomas jumped up from his chair looking at the queen with an "I'm sorry I'm running out on dinner, but I'm really bored" look.

Isabela smiled at him. "I'll see you tonight"

Thomas hugged his mother and almost ran out of the dining hall.

A little while later, Alex's hungry was growing more and now so was her boredom. But, she did try to engage with the town people. After all, soon she and the queen's faith will be in their hands. Lily was still engaged with the man sitting next to her. The queen was speaking with all the towns' people even if they were further down the table but stolen glances between Alex and the queen happen many times.

Finally, dinner was served. The remainder of the evening went smoothly and many of the town leaders had already excused themselves to return to their bedrooms. Lily and the man sitting next to her went for a walk around the castle. Leaving the queen, Alex, Banter, and a two other leaders behind.

"Dinner was perfect my queen." Banter said with a smile.

"Thank you" the queen knotted.

"So..." Banter leaned forward a little more "Do we get a hint at what this big announcement is?"

"Not yet" the queen smiled.

Banter grinned "I'm a patient man, I can wait. But, I have a feeling I already know what it is"

Banter stood and winked at Alex before leaving the hall.

The two remaining town leaders spoke among themselves and glanced towards Alex and the queen many of times, leaving Alex to believe they were speaking about them.

One of the town leaders finally stood and spoke "My queen, do you mind showing me where the hall of the past is at? I've been dying to pay my respects to my past kings."

Alex tensed up. She didn't like the way this man spoke or the way the other man look at her.

"Of course Joshua" the queen stood, but leaned close to Alex to whisper she would met her shortly in her bed chambers.

The queen and the other man left. Leaving Alex and the last town leader alone. He stood and walked towards Alex. Alex figured he was trying to intimidate her, but he took a seat next to her. His breath smelled of wine. Alex looked over his features, scars appeared on his face and hands.

He let out a deep sigh and reached for another glass of wine.

"I'm not trying to overstep here. But, I want to get to the point." The man spoke.

Alex went to stop him, but something in her told her to hear him out

He continued. "There are rumors going around. And frankly it is none of my business what you do. But when it effects my people I feel like I should say something."

He took another gulp of wine and spoke again. "This kingdom and its rumors right?"

Alex stared at the man. Was he trying to make a joke?

"What rumors" Alex spoke quickly. Her thoughts racing and landing on the safety of her queen.

"You and..." he lowered his voice and moved closer to Alex to where she was now engulfed in the smell of wine. "the queen"

Alex pulled back from him and went to stand when the man placed his hand on her arm.

"There are two ways this can go." He spoke softly. Alex wished she had her sword and stayed by the queen. She hoped Lily was safe with the other town leader. She knew Thomas would be okay with Jack.

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