Chapter 16-The Queen's advisor

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After the queen magic herself back to the castle after yelling at Alex in the carriage, she found herself trying not to cry. She wanted so badly to return to Alex. Queen Isabela wanted to hear Alex's voice again, feel her touch... her kiss. She would give anything to return to dinner with Alex's family...hearing Thomas laugh, smelling the amazing food, and have that feeling of home.

The queen knew that she had to distance herself from Alex in order to save her. Although she is queen, two woman cannot bed. It was a rule in place for many many years... she couldn't change it, could she? How would her kingdom react? The war had only ended a few years ago, with the final small battles ending only months ago. She didn't want to send her kingdom into a civil war, even if it was for love....

Wait, did she love Alex? After all this time of not knowing what love even felt like... could she love someone? Would Alex even love her back?

When the queen finally feel asleep, her thoughts drifted only to Alex. A life in the castle, with Thomas running around, reading in their library, and going horseback riding. When the queen woke, she swore to herself that she would find a way to be with Alex or at least make sure she and Thomas were safe.


It has been a few days since the queen magic herself back to the castle. She knew Alex and the rest of the soldiers would be returning this evening. Her advisor suggested to her that she needed to have a celebration of slaying the dragon, a feast in honor of the soldiers. While the queen never likes the idea of parties, she agreed that the following night they would have a celebration only to get her advisor to shut up. He was a small, fragile looking man, bald on top with a squeaky voice. He was one of her most loyal advisors, even if he did always suggest things she hated. She knew he was right most of the time.

"Fine, Francis. We can hold a celebration in their honor." The queen spoke "But, I'm rather tired tonight so tomorrow night. Make the usual arrangements please"

"Yes my queen" Francis squeaked. "Please forgive me for saying, but you have been spending a lot of time in the library since your return. Is that why you are tired my queen? Anything I can do my queen"

Queen Isabela looked at her advisor. He was her father's advisor also, but she always took a liking to him. He was honest, but kind. He even once convinced her father not to punish her for tripping in front of the other kingdom's prince.

She smiled. "I've been in the library doing research on something I'm not sure if I should speak out loud."

Francis knotted his head in understanding. "What is spoken between us, I cannot speak to anyone. But, I understand." Francis smiled at the queen

"I..." the queen began trying to think of how to explain without really explaining what she needs. "I know as a queen, I can change laws. I do it all the time. But, what about a certain law? I'm not sure what the repercussions will be or how the kingdom will react. How do I make the decision to change something I most defiantly want, but also not cause a civil war?"

Francis looked at his queen. He has been around since her birth. He watched her grow into a wonderful leader, even with the hard decisions she has had to make. He wished so often she could be herself instead of what her parents wanted. He stayed as the King's advisor in hopes to change the kingdom for the better and now he hopes the same for the queen.

"Well, my queen. There is no simple answer. You cannot please every single person in the entire kingdom. You can only hope and do what is best for the kingdom." Francis spoke.

The Kingdom of RiverNight- The Tale of the queen and her knightWhere stories live. Discover now