Chapter 25-the parting

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The morning was a bit of a rush for everyone. The queen announced at breakfast her plans and told the leaders they should start heading back to their towns today. She offered if any town needed additional support, she would give it.

"Old George and his group has been pretty quiet" Said Banter walking next to Alex as everyone left the hall.

"Yeah. The queen is worried about it." Alex said stopping to look at Banter and lowering her voice. "Have you heard anything?"

Banter shook his head no and stated "They don't really talk to me. But I think it should be fine. I mean George is George and has always been talk. I don't think he would cause an uprising if that's what you are worried about."

Alex smiled and ran to catch up to her queen.

"Hey" Alex smirked at Isabela

"Hey" the queen smiled back

"So this is happening. We are really doing this?" Alex beamed.

"Yes, we are." The queen continued walk next to Alex to go outside for some fresh air.

"Where's Thomas?" The queen asked

"With Jack and Bill. Thomas said he wanted to get one more training in before they left." Alex laughed slightly but her heart ached.

"They will be back soon." The queen said "I promise"

Alex knotted her head and tried her best not to let her tears fall.

"So Chandler, Lily, and Thomas are leaving after sundown. Do you know when everyone else is?" Alex asked

"I believe Wilber has already left, he said something at breakfast about his wife's cooking and that he wanted to get home because he was starving. Emmet, Otis, Tobis, and Augustus is leaving before lunch. Spencer, Joshua, and Banter are leaving after lunch. George, Henry, and Franklin wouldn't say when they are leaving..." The queen trailed off thinking how odd it was that they only town leaders who didn't say anything was the three most against the change.

Lunch was nearing and Emmet, Otis, Tobis, and Augustus were all gathering their things to leave;  Alex and the queen went to tell them goodbye and good luck.

"Please have safe travels" The queen told each.

"Yes your majesty." Emmet said first "Don't worry, I promise to protect our people and support you fully"

Alex smiled and inwardly wanted to high fived him. Emmet was on their side now.

"Thank you" The queen said bowing her head slightly.

Otis and Tobis both looked at each other then back at the queen. They repeated what Emmet had said and climbed into their respected carriages.

Alex did a little dance in her head. The "score" was 8 in support, 3 in non-support, and 1 worried only about food.

Augustus hugged Alex, which through her head dance party off some. She hasn't spoken much to him but here he was hugging her. He whispered "We support you" in her ear. Then, he pulled back smiled at her and the queen and climbed into his carriage.

With that 5 leaders had already left to return to their town to start enforcing the soon to be new law.

"What was that about?" Alex said looking confused at the queen.

"Maybe he knew about you and his daughter" The queen laughed

"Knew what... that we talked once... about her... OooOOOOoo" Alex finally connected the dots. "Maybe she told him. There were rumors about what this meeting was about and maybe she had the courage to tell him finally"

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