Chapter 29-found the queen

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Alex ran deep into the woods. She could no longer hear the sounds of swords clashing. What was it that Jack said about the queen?

Alex slowed her pace trying to find tracks of the man. Suddenly, Alex heard footsteps approaching. She steady herself. Alex held her sword higher into the air and slowed her breathing. She was ready.

The footsteps grow nearing then stopped. Alex focused on the shaded area from where the noise came from.

"Alexandria?" Alex looked up to see her queen smiling brightly at her.

They looked into each other's eyes and slowly leaned towards each other. Despite everything that had occurred, they found each other. Covered in sweat, tears, and blood...

Alex ran to her queen and wrapped her arms around her. Finally.

"What happened? Where have you been? Where is that man I chased in here, did you see him... he...Jack..." tears started to form in Alex's eyes

Alex pulled back and saw the queen covered in cuts stained with blood.


A few hours ago...

After Alex told the queen to go to the kitchens, she did. The kitchens were filled with smoke, but Isabela used her magic to be able to see. She was able to magic most of the kitchen staff out to safety. She ran up to the staff rooms and those there she magic as well.

Isabela continued to search room from room. Her magic slowly getting weaker as she was using it to send people to safety. Isabela thoughts were with Alex and Thomas. She wished for their safety as well. But she knew Alex would never leave her people. One of the many reason the queen cared for her knight so deeply.

Isabela rounded the corner to her throne room when she heard voices.

"Let the whore come to us" Said a man with a deep voice "let her run around with her silly little protocols, but the time she figures it out..." a few men laughed.

Isabela inched closer and stepped on a board that creaked. Isabela tried to move quickly away but the doors to the throne room opened and out walked three men...smirking.

The queen stopped moving backwards and stood tall. The men walked closer. The queen flicked her wristed and watched as one of the men when flying into the wall.

"What are you demands?" The queen growled "Not like I'm one to take kind to demands"

The remaining two men grinned and stepped closer.

"Death to the queen" said one man boldly before he was slammed into the same wall falling lifelessly on top of his partner.

"Any last words?" The queen smirk, but in truth she felt how weak her magic was. She wouldn't be able to magic herself out now.

"Yeah, behind you." The last man said

When the queen went to spin around she felt a hard blow to the back of her head, then everything went black.

A while later, the queen wasn't sure how much later it was. She woke to a massive headache. She was tied to a chair, her wrist bound. Her magic weaken. As her vision came clearer she noticed she was in the food storage outside on the side of the castle, but towards the back. There stood two men at the door whispering between themselves.

The Kingdom of RiverNight- The Tale of the queen and her knightWhere stories live. Discover now