Chapter 22-the morning

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Morning came too quickly for Alex and the queen. Alex spent most of the night looking at her queen, memorizing every detail of her face, her sweet smell, and slow even breaths. Even the slight adorable noises she made as she snored. Alex knew the queen would choose her kingdom. If she did go through with passing the law, they could never be together. Everyone would know they broke the law prior, placing the queen and everything in danger.

Alex kissed Isabela's forehead gently and climbed out of bed to dress. Isabella stretched causing the blankets to fall from her bare chest. Alex blushed slightly, she would miss waking up like this. The queen smirked knowing she was the reason for the cute blush that formed on her knight's face.

"Good morning" Isabela smiled.

"Morning" Alex said turning her head away from the naked queen "ready for the day?"

"Really..."the queen laughed climbing out of the bed walking over to Alex "that's how we are going to start our day. Today of all days? With small talk?" Alex still looked away from the naked queen.

Isabela gently grabbed Alex's chin and turned her head towards her. Isabela deeply kissed Alex on the lips. She then pulled back and smiled.

"There." The queen said "That's better"

"We can't" Alex said pulling a little away "You have to change the law. You have to make it so other people can love who they want to love. And be who they are meant to be. But, we can't. They will hang us for breaking the law prior."

"Let's just have breakfast with Thomas and Lily." The queen not letting her smile fade. "Let's wait to worry about that when the time comes. I'll speak with the town leaders at lunch."

Alex finally smiled. "okay. But...." Alex pulled back from the queen looking around to the queen backside and giving her bottom a gentle smack. "I don't think Thomas or Lily should see you naked"

The queen grinned at finally having her playful knight back. The queen flicked her wrist and was dressed.

Alex mimicked Isabela's hand motions. "ugh... still doesn't work"

The queen laughed and shook her head. "Let's go wake Thomas."


A very short time later, Alex burst opened the door to her son's room and jumped on his bed causing a groan to come out of him.

"moooooooooom" Thomas said sleepy

Alex looked at his nightstand, a book laid open.

"Did you stay up all night reading?" Alex giggled as she poked her fingers into her son's ribs.

"stoppppppppppppp" Thomas said trying to move away from his mother.

"Quick" Alex playfully shouted at the queen "stop his retreat!" The queen walked to the other side of Thomas and started to mimic Alex's playful attack.

"ahhhhhhh" Thomas said now laughing more than annoyed "okay.. I'm up"

"I don't think you up.. like up up yet" Alex said as she started to tickle his feet.

" can' to.....pppeee....moooooommmm" Thomas wiggle more.

Thomas sat fully up in bed now grinning ear to ear. Alex and the queen stopped their tickle attack on the boy.

"Man, I thought having one mom was hard. But, yall...." Thomas said still trying to catch his breath.

The queen caught on to what Thomas was saying. Was he calling her another mom? Did he view her as one... or maybe she was thinking way to into this.

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