Chapter 3-The knight's training

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It has been a few weeks since Alex was knighted. The queen and Alex fell into a daily routine. Alex stayed out of sight while the queen conducted her business. Twice a week, Alex would go down to the training area to practice and teach the other soldiers. Often times Alex would wonder what the queen did during these times, but she did not wonder for to long. The queen was very harsh in her rulings and seemed to distance herself from everyone. Alex was curious about the queen, but did not dare to let herself get close.

Since things were fairly busy for the first few weeks, the queen was unable to give riding lessons to Alex. Alex figured it was because the queen enjoyed watching her run and try to keep up while the queen rode. Alex didn't mind the running, it was the silence that bothered her.

"Keep your eyes up and your sword ready Bill" said Alex to the newest and youngest member of the queen's army. Alex circled Bill like a lioness to a lamb, dragging her sword creating a circle on the ground. "Now, fight me. Make me back out of this circle." Bill heaved his sword upwards towards Alex who merely swung her sword connecting it with young Bill's.

"Use your body. You don't have to be the strongest or the biggest. Sword fighting is like chest. Ready yourself to strike and defend." Alex said walking placing a hand on Bill's shoulder pushing gently out of the circle she created. "Watch. Xzavier please show young Bill what I mean."

Xzavier, a large well build man stepped forward and smirked. Xzavier drew his sword almost instantly at entering the circle and lunged forward at Alex. Alex simply side stepped Xzavier spinning to face his back. Never taking her eyes off of Xzavier, Alex did not notice the queen entering the training grounds. Xzavier did and wanting to impress his queen... to prove to the queen he should have made knight and not some girl, he put his full might into the next swing. Alex saw the move and was able to deflect.

Smiling Alex said "see Bill, it's all about being patience and counter-moving". This angered Xzavier. He was new to this unit and was unaware of Alex's skill with the sword and her footwork. Xzavier lunged at Alex again and again. Alex barely breaking a sweat counter moved his every step. The queen watched in amazement. Alex did not wear the normal training gear. Perhaps she did not believe she was going to engage in this demonstration or maybe she was just arrogant. She wore a thin white shirt with what appeared to be cut men's pants that showed Alex's lean legs. Her  muscles tighten with every step.

Becoming enraged, Xzavier yelled "stop running girl and fight" as he moved in fast towards Alex.

Alex smirked side stepping and replied. "I could continue this battle for hours. You on the other hand are redden and out of breath. Sword fighting is about strategy. You wear yourself tired with me, what are you going to do on a battlefield. If you were able to take me down finally, you would be so worn you would fall merely seconds after."

Xzavier was tired of the games this...this girl was playing. He was trying to make his mark in his new unit. He would strike to kill. Xzavier grinned charging full force at Alex. In one smooth motion she manage to outwit him, swiped his legs, and he fell face first in the dirt. Alex pointed her sword and stated "and that young Bill is why strategy will always win."

Alex lowered her sword and started to turn her back towards Xzavier finally noticing that the queen was standing off to the side the entire time. Alex began to walk towards Bill but not taking her eyes off the queen. Suddenly there was movement from behind her. Xzavier grab his sword and in one motion sliced Alex's back. Before Alex could react, Xzavier was thrown by an unknown force and brought up in the air as if he was being choked by an invisible hand. The queen walked forward. But, the trainees were to scared to even notice and bow. Their eyes fixed on Xzavier.

"Slice my knight in the back after she defeated you" The queen's lip twitched while holding her hand out. "I will not have cowards in my army..."

Xzavier gasped with all he could and let out "I didn't yield. The fight was not over." Xzavier's eyes buried from the lack of oxygen.

Alex's back burned in pain as her white shirt started to stain red. Alex knew the queen was doing something, she knew the queen had magic. Alex wasn't sure how to stop her; but, she knew if she didn't say something.... Xzavier would die soon.

"He is right" she stated her voice sounding a little unsure. "I should have followed through and made him yield. Please. He might be arrogant, but he can be turned into a good soldier."

The queen's grip tighten and then the invisible force holding Xzavier let go. She glanced at Alex, the queen's eyes were as dark as the lake on a cloudy night. Alex thought the queen was going to turn her rage on her. But, then the queen stated for Alex to clean the mess up and met her at the stables. And with that, the queen vanished.

Alex was furious. She lied to the queen to save Xzavier. There is no yielding with this type of training. When Alex pointed her sword at the defeated Xzavier and he did not get up right away, it was over. Plus cutting your training officer in the back... well that was highly uncalled for. Thankfully, Alex heard him move and managed to move slightly out of the way resulting in the cut not being as deep as Xzavier intended.

Alex grabbed Xzavier by the shirt and pulled him eye level as he was still kneeling on the ground trying to catch his breath. "If you were try to do something so low again, I will kill you myself. I don't care who your father is." Alex dropped him and glanced at Jack. "Clean this up"

Alex left the training fields and headed towards the stabled to meet her queen and see what faiths were in store for her for stopping the queen.

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