Chapter 23-the meeting

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The queen took in a depth breath and glanced over to her lover. Alex smile even though deep down she knew once the new law goes into effect, she would no longer be able to be with her queen. She knew they could continue to hide and not fight for this law. But, for Jack and everyone else... this is something that has to be done. Once is it done the intentions will be questioned, and a spot light will be placed on the queen. If they announce they are together, so many dangerous factors will take place.

The queen focused her attention back on her town leaders.

"I want to start by saying thank you all for coming here. I know many of you had a long way to journey, so thank you. But, I would like to get down to what needs to be discussed. I know each of you is curious." The queen smiled politely.

Banter smile back and knotted his head. The rest of the leaders remain emotionless.

"Laws written a hundred years ago, no longer apply to our times. Things are evolving. We as a kingdom are growing. The law that prevents same sex couples from marrying is one of those laws."

The queen pause giving time for the leaders to catch up with her words.

"As you know, I have to authority to change this law. However, I respect your feedback prior to doing so. I don't want a civil war. I want your feedback as to how your town will respond to this change and how can we transition it peacefully."

The queen stopped speaking and looked around the table. Mixed emotions were now appearing on many faces.

"With all respect my queen" Spencer began to speak "changing laws that have been in place for so long... It's just the way. Why risk a possible civil war?"

"Because as someone recently told me, we do not have to continue to follow the laws of the old just because. Why not let people love? And to answer your questions about civil war, it's why you all are here so we can figure out a way not to have it."

"Simple" said an old man who skin was grey looked like it was melting off his bones "don't do it. Don't want a civil war. We can't afford one right now. We are still recovering from your father's war! Just let them stay in the comfort of their home..."

"But, that's just it George" Banter spoke again. "They can't even be together in their own home under this old law. If they are caught, they will be hanged"

George huffed at this explanation. "Well, I still don't understand why change it."

"Because I want my grandchildren to be happy, regardless of who they love" Banter said proudly.

The queen smiled at Banter's words.

"Okay." The queen began to talk again "To make our time more productive and so I can hear everyone's option. I want us to go around the table. I want to hear how each town may react and how you feel we can prevent civil war."

Their talks went on for hours and it was one of the first times that Alex never zoned out once during a meeting. The queen told the leaders that they all should get rest and come back to the table tomorrow.


"So.." Alex said almost skipping next to her queen as they walked towards the doors to go outside "that went kind of well. I expected a full civil war to explode right there."

"Well, we do have the majority on our side." Queen Isabela stated. "We will see how tomorrow goes."

The queen and Alex walked in silence as they neared the soldier's quarters looking for Thomas

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