Chapter 30-I'll never leave you

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"So" Alex said still gripping her queen's hand "How did you escape?"

And then the thought hit Alex, even if Alex didn't want to think it.

Did the queen let the darkness take over? Was she on their side now?

Alex let go of Isabela's hand and stepped back looking around. Alex desperately searched for the queen's eyes but the shadows wouldn't allow it. Alex bit her lip. She could hear something in the distance now. Was this how their story going to end?

No... she wouldn't let their story end.

Alex raced forward crashing her lips on to her queen's pulling her into a deep kiss.


Moments before The queen found Alex

The queen looked up and smiled at Rolland. While there was bonds on her wrist, her legs were not. The queen in one quick motion kicked off the wall sending her chair falling back onto Rolland. The Chair cracked. Jay dropped the metal cup, ran over to the queen and bent down over her.

Isabela was able to break the arm of the chair off and swing it as hard as she could connecting it to Jay's face who stumbled back. The queen flipped herself over and managed to break the other chair arm.

Jay ran back towards the queen who connected with his face again. The ties on her wrist were starting to loosen. Rolland stirred and pushed the rest of the chair off him. He slowly rose, still trying to catch his breath.

" bit." Rolland tried to breathe out while grabbing at his chest.

The queen saw this and ran full force holding the chair's arm out, slamming them into Rolland's chest causing him to fall hard against the wall. The queen lost her balance and fell too.

Jay finally was able to see out of one of his eyes, walked towards the queen as she tried to get up. He went to kick her, but one of the ties was loose enough for her wrist to be freed. She flicked her wrist and sent Jay flying into the wall next to Rolland.

The queen stood and hurriedly untied her wrist. Opening the door. She heard the battle drawing near to this side. She could even see some of the men fighting now only feet away. With her magic drained she ran towards the woods hoping to buy time for her magic to return fully.

She glanced backwards hoping to see Alex, but she didn't. So she pushed forward trying to find a spot to stay safe until her magic returned.

Isabela walked deep into the woods. Her thoughts lost with Alex and Thomas until she heard a noise. Isabela stopped and took a deep breath. Did anyone see her come into the woods? She step forward through a small opening.

"Alexandria" The queen smiled.


Present moment.

Alex leaned back out of the kiss. She knew in her heart the queen would never turn to darkness again.

"I found you" Alex whispered

The queen smiled. "I'm pretty sure I found you"

Alex playful bumped the queen's shoulder.

"Thomas? Lily? The others?" The queen's mind raced again. She only knew what little those men told her.

"Thomas safe, I think, he is with Bill. Lily brought back help!" Alex beamed until she thought about Jack. "Jack.... There was a man that... and he told Jack something about you. But everything happened so fast. I tried to follow the guy, but I lost him".

Alex backed away from the queen looking around. "Let's head back to the others. I'll find him later".

The pair turned and began to make their way back towards the castle. They came across an opened field. Alex stopped. She knew the field would be a short cut back to the grounds, and she knew she needed to get back to her men. Back to Lily and Thomas. She needed to get the queen to save Jack... that's if he was still there to be healed. But it also left them unprotected.

Alex looked at her lover. Isabela seemed to be reading Alex's mind. Isabela knotted and they walked forward.

Suddenly there was movement around them, Alex spun around to find Xzavier and his men circling them like prey circles their meal. Alex and Isabel's hearts raced. They were severely out numbered.

"Use your powers." Alex told Isabel. "Please, I can't take them all on."

"I can't." Isabel said defeated. "I'm already weaken....I...I might be able to use it on a few."

Alex starred at Isabela while Xzavier smirked at their interaction... circling and closing in on his prey.

"Go! Please. Use what you have left to get to safety." Alex begged.

"I'm not leaving you." Stated Isabela boldly "I'll never leave you again."

Alex knew in her heart she would never convince the queen to leave. She could be pretty stubborn that way. Alex smiled at Isabel and knotted.

"I lov..." Alex started to say when Xzavier's voice overpowered hers.

"QUIET! You had your moment now....." Xzavier drew a large circle around his men, the queen, and her knight in the sand similar to the one Alex drew all those months ago. "Try to knock me out of the circle"

Xzavier smirked drawing his sword and Alex did the same. His men rushed towards the pair. Alex managed to knock Xzavier on the ground with her first strike and turned to stab his man behind her. Isabela was using the remaining of her magic to throw some of the men to their deaths. If only she had time between battles she could have rested and would have been at full strength. But nothing ever goes to plan.

Swords clashed, the smell of blood filled the air. The sounds of screaming echoed around them. The sun was almost set.

Alex barely missed one of Xzavier's men's swords as she spun around to glance at Isabel. Even in a fight for her life, Alex's main concern was for her Isabela. Isabela was losing her strength, her skin paled and thick with sweat... her hair matted to her face... her spells getting weaker and weaker to keep Xzavier's men at bay.

There was just too many men. Isabela dropped to the ground lowing her head and hands.

"NO!" screamed Alex focusing only on Isabela. A sword sliced Alex's shoulder as she tried to run towards her. Alex lifted her sword killing the man in her way. Isabela fell forward, flat on her chest barely breathing.... Her eyes fixated on Alex. Her only wish was to kiss her knight one last time. 

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