Chapter 34-the pickled pinkberry (the end)

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Things were looking up for the Kingdom and for its queen. First the first time in the kingdom's history, it was ruled by love and not fear. The people are happy and thriving. The land more bountiful than ever.

The queen laid in her knight's arm after making love. Alex rubbed Isabela's arm gently thinking of how much her life changed in the past year. Tears started to fall from Isabela's eyes, and slowly dropped on Alex's bare chest.

Alex lifted Isabela's head and whispered "Tell me your thoughts".

Isabela smiled and replied "I love you.... And I was just thinking about how I could have lost you. I almost died, but our memories... your love...brought me back.... Brought my magic back."

Alex hug Isabela and placed a gentle kiss on her head.

"When I saw you on the ground and thought you died, I didn't have any fight left in me." Alex said letting a tear run down her face.

"I never asked... but if you're ready to talk about it, what happened after Xzavier..." the queen trailed off and touched the spot on Alex stomach were Xzavier sword pierced.

Alex smiled at the memory, not the memory of Xzavier but of the memory that brought her back. "After he... I just remember wanting to be with you. I thought you died. I closed my eyes and at first it was dark. Then I saw us. But, not a memory... more like what could be. We danced and loved. I even saw you give birth to our daughter. I heard her sweet laugher as you tickled her belly as she grew. I watched Thomas grow into an amazing man with us. I watched us aged... together. And then, I felt you. I felt your lips on mine and it seemed like a fire broke free in my soul. Light started to shine through my eyes and I realized, I wasn't dead and neither were you. The first thing I wanted to do... to say... was I love you."

Isabel looked up into Alex's eyes. She leaned forwarded and deeply kissed her brave knight. When Isabel pulled back, she whisper with a smile to Alex "a daughter".


There was a lot of planning and prepping over the next few months. There were many late nights and early days. After all, planning a wedding can be time consuming especially if you are a Queen and her knight. 

The day could not have been more beautiful. The sun was bright and the weather was if someone cast a spell, it was perfect. All of the kingdom's people gather and even people from the other kingdom. Rumor has it that the queen is the kindest of them all, who rules with love with her brave knight by her side.

Alex standing at the front of the cathedral, It was everything they both saw in their visions and more. She wasn't nervous. She knew she wanted to spend the rest of her life and afterlife with her queen. Thomas bounced nervously at her side.  Music played. Doors opened. Isabela began to walk down the aisle. Just like in their future memories, only now it was real.

"You may kiss the Queen."

 Alex and Isabel smiled at each other. The entire world was tuned out. Nothing in their past matter. All the misdeeds, heartaches, and fear.... were gone. They lean in and gave their first kiss as Queen and Knight-Queen for the whole kingdom to see.

After the ceremony, the party went well into the night. For the first time, Isabela was not wishing to leave a party... well not just yet. She was enjoying watching her people dance and laugh. Isabela was raised in fear and ruled in fear. Now, she was loved by all.

Isabela and Lily were engage in story tell about Alex. Chandler stood with one arm wrapped around Lily's waist. They became engaged only days ago. Thomas played with Bill who was now officially his brother as he was underage, but now adopted by the Queen and her knight. 

 Upon returning to the group, Alex carried a plate in her hand with some fruit. Alex walked up to her wife and kissed her. 

"I love you dear, but what is that smell" asked the queen playfully pushing Alex away. Alex grinning from ear to ear.

"On the day that we met, someone told me that no one would ever be able to keep me. So he said he would eat a pickled pinkberry if that ever happened." Alex laughed at the memory.

 "For you" Alex stretched out the plate to Jack and smirked. Those two had been through so much together and now here they both were. Jack saved Alex. Alex saved Isabela. Isabela saved Jack. 

Francis let go of his husband waist and stepped back. "Jack, dear.... thats.... no" 

Jack laughed out loud taking the plate to hold it up. "A promise is a promise." 

Jack grabbed the foul smelling fruit and held it to his mouth but before eating it, he spoke...

 "To you my queen and to you my very stubborn knight.... pickled pinkberry". 


Thank you all for reading this story and I truly hoped you liked it. If you did, please vote:)

 As promised in the beginning, this was not a story with "and the lived happily ever after"... Life is hard and has so many up and downs. But, do not ever forget that there is something else out there for you. People do love you and care for you even if some days it does not feel like that. You brave, beautiful, and perfect just the way you are. Take it one moment at a time... even if you have to eat a pickled pinkberry in the end 

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