Chapter 5- The Knight's day off

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Alex fell back asleep to finish sleeping off the alcohol from last night. When she woke, it felt around midday. She wasn't sure what she should do on her off day. Avoid the queen and hopes she forgets by tomorrow was Alex's plan.

Alex ate then adventured around the castle only to find the largest library she ever saw. Alex walked in and looked around. It was quiet and no one else was there. Alex glanced at the names on the books. She was never a reader. I bet little Thomas would love this thought Alex. A tear rolled down her cheek as she walked back to her chambers to change into a workout outfit. She needed a run to clear her mind.

After changing and making her way down to the grounds, Alex began to run. Letting her mind wonder and going to no place in particular. She thought of her life, her misguided adventures, she thought about her family and little Thomas, she thought about the queen. How does her thoughts always end back on the queen?

Alex found herself running the path her and the queen take for horseback riding. Alex found herself at the opening to the private beach. Alex knew the queen most likely would not be there at this time. Alex made her way through the clearing and then stopped, there sat the queen on a log looking out into the water.

The queen heard someone coming through her woods. She was ready for their attack. After all, having magic is a perk from her childhood. The queen turned her head and saw her knight running through the opening. The queen had a range of emotions, even throwing a fireball at the knight crossed her mind.

"Sorry..." said the Alex "I was out for a run and found myself running along the usual path."


"I'll head back. Sorry again." Alex said as she was about to turn she heard the queen's voice.

"Why." It was a simple question the queen ask and it almost sounded like a sweet whisper. But, Alex knew she was directing it towards her and stopped. Alex began to walk slowly towards her queen.

"I told you, I was running our normal path and I didn't know you would be here. I didn't mean to disturb you" Alex stated now standing next to the queen while she still sat on the log. The queen snapped her head up at Alex.

"Not that. Why do I continue to allow you to break all the rules?" The queen standing now starring Alex in the eyes. "There is nothing special about you. You distract me from my work when I'm conducting meetings. You defy me. You make me repeat myself like I'm some dam parrot."

Alex wasn't sure how to respond. She thought she was doing everything that was asked of her. She never interrupted meetings. She did every command given by the queen. But, the queen was right on one thing. Alex knew there was nothing special about her or her life. The queen starred at Alex as if challenging her. Then, something in Alex snapped and she stepped forward coming nose to nose with the queen.

"Demote me." Alex spat. "If I'm so horrible, get someone new. You seemed to have taking a liking to Xzavier." The queen the out a low growl. Alex smirked.

"Go through all this again, training someone new." The queen spoke. "No."

Neither was going to back down. But Alex knew she should, she was only a knight and this was her queen. Alex leaned further in. If someone were to see them now, they might think the knight and the queen were about to kiss because of their closeness.

"I'm sorry my queen" Alex whispered. "I will try harder to please you."

"Do not see my handmaid, Catherine, again." The queen stated and vanished.


Some time had passed after that day on the beach. Alex was still sneaking around with Catherine, but they hid it very well. Alex began to see Catherine even after the queen's warning. For Alex, it started as needing a release or a way to cope from the horrors she had seen in battle. A way to feel something, anything. Then, Alex started to develop feelings for Catherine. Alex wasn't sure if it was love or just a rebellious feeling she got when she defied the queen. Alex even thought of asking for Catherine's hand. Maybe she could grow to truly love Catherine.

Alex decided until then, she would be at her best as the queen's knight. No more daydreaming during meetings or making the queen repeat herself. She would be on her best knight behavior... except for sneaking around with Catherine.

It was then Alex began to notice the cruel and harsh rulings of the queen were. At times, Alex wanted to scream at Queen Isabela for it. But, she held her tongue for the most part. She knew her limits with the queen and did not want to push them far. 

The queen was more distant from everyone since the time on the beach. She even stopped requesting Alex to accompany her while she went horseback riding. Catherine even noted how cold the queen's attitude had been.

On one dark stormy day, the queen had been in meetings for what seemed like hours. Alex stood in the background listening to the sounds of thunder. The past few weeks she did her best at listening in on meetings, but today she let her mind wonder.

At the end of a meeting, the Queen stood and looked at Alex.

Dammit. Thought Alex. What did she ask?

As if hearing Alex's thoughts the queen spoke again "I said to gather your things, we are leaving for some time." Alex knotted and followed behind the queen.

Later that evening, Alex found herself meeting Catherine at their spot close to the kitchens. It was easier to sneak down here since the queen never visited this part of the castle. The spare staff rooms near the kitchen Catherine and Alex could use without prying eyes. Alex tried once to get Catherine to bring her to her room, but Catherine refused and became upset. Catherine said she had a roommate, and they would go to queen. Alex never asked again. 

Alex walked into the spare room and made her way towards Catherine who was already sitting on the bed. Alex leaned in and kissed Catherine, but Catherine pulled away. 

"She doesn't want me to come. She said she doesn't need a handmaid on the if." Catherine stated. Alex wrapped Catherine in a hug. 

"Do you know where or how long we will be gone?" asked Alex and Catherine shook her head no.

"Well, let's make the most out of it tonight."Alex smirked.

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