Chapter 13-The morning after

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The two fell into a nice slumber in each other's arms. Alex dreamed of her childhood, sword play with her father while her mother baked. Chasing her little sister around and all the laughs her childhood brought. But even in her dreams, Alex thought about the queen. How the queen knew no love or laugher through-out her life. Alex had a hard time after her parents died, but at least she had her sister... then Thomas. Alex dreamed of a life she wished for the queen. One filled with love and laugher.

"Alexandria!" The queen spoke shaking Alex out of her dreams. "Wake up.. Alexandria..."

Alex jumped up fearing they were being attack. But looked around and saw the queen smiling. Alex looked at her queen puzzled.

"My magic...." The queen began "It's back!"

"What!? HOW?! I thought..." Alex tried to form a sentence.

"I must have not been as weaken as I thought" the queen smiled brightly. "Here take my hand, I can bring us back to town. The men should just be getting there by now."

"I thought you couldn't magic other people?" Alex asked being unsure if she even wanted to be transported anywhere by magic.

"You and I will be fine. I can transport us." The queen said holding her hand out and which Alex took it, the queen leaned closer to Alex and took her lips once more. "Hold on" the queen smirked pulling back from Alex.

When the smoke cleared, Alex saw that she was standing in the town center with the queen. The queen quickly let go of Alex's hand and walked away towards her men without saying another word to her.

Jack came running towards Alex and clapped her on the back causing Alex to feel slightly unsteady as she was still trying to gain her balance after being transported with magic for the first time. "Glad to see ya in one piece" he said. "I thought the queen would have ripped your heart out by now seeing it's..... well you and your mouth" Jack laughed at his own joke.  

"Yeah..."Alex said absentminded still looking towards the queen who was talking to the men.

Jack smiled and followed Alex's eye sight to the queen. "What happened to yer in that cave? You seem.... different."

"Huh?" Alex said still looking at the queen who now magic her appearance back to her normal pristine.


The rest of the morning went by fairly quickly. The queen was able to use her magic to bring her carriage back to the town center and made herself busy with other duties which did not necessarily require her attention. So, Alex made herself busy by bathing, packing, and getting lost in her thoughts since she was informed that the queen did not need her for the remainder of the morning or at the town meeting. 

Alex walked out of the Inn to load the bags in the carriage when she felt two little arms wrap around her waist.

"Thomas!" Alex laughed bending down to hug her son. She was thankful she was able to see her son once more. 

"I thought you were at tutoring?" Alex tried to sound stern, but her smile gave her true feelings away. Education is important, but family is too. 

"I finished my reading early so I could come see you!" Thomas giggled. In fact, he woke up early just to be finished on time so he could see his mother and the queen. 

"When are you going to come back?" Thomas asked.

"I'm not sure..."Alex said looking towards the town hall where people started to exit. The meeting must be over. "Maybe you can come to the castle one day, but I promise to visit more. I missed you more than you would ever know."

Soon enough the queen was nearing. Thomas beamed brightly at her and bowed. The queen smiled shortly, knotting her head, and spoke to Alex "I expect you to be ready in under five minutes" and climbed into her carriage. 

Alex looked confused. She thought the queen was taking a liking to Thomas. Alex also didn't understand why the queen was acting so differently than she did in the cave. Did Alex cross the line? 

"It's okay momma." Thomas said patting his mother on the shoulder. "She looks just as confused as you do. That must have been some dragon!"

Alex looked at her son and smiled. "It was!" Alex let a tear fall down her face.  "You know I love you very much. I only leave because I have to go. Never ever forget how much you are loved."

Thomas smirked at his mother "I know. I'm proud of you momma." Thomas hugged his mother.

 "Be a good boy" Alex said messing up Thomas' hair and then walked over to the carriage to opened the door. Thomas followed and peaked around his mother to look at the queen.

"Thank you for letting me have dinner with my momma and you." Thomas spoke to the queen who just stared back at him. "I hope we can have dinner again and then I can show you my book collect!"

The queen's emotionless mask was already in place again and just bowed her head slightly. Alex signed giving Thomas once last looked before climbing into the carriage.

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