Chapter 7-The Knight's family

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The carriage came to a stop in the middle of Little Balwin. Alex glanced at the queen and exited the carriage. Alex took in the sights, sounds, and smells. It was different yet familiar. She heard the queen climbing out behind and didn't look back. Alex knew the queen tried to warn her about Catherine, but she was still pissed about the situation. And since Catherine wasn't here for Alex to take her anger out on, the queen would have to do.

"Jack" Alex said jogging over to her friend. "Need a hand?"

Jack gave her a puzzled look and glanced in the direction of the queen. "Kid...." He said while shaking his head slightly "I know why you are doing what you are doing... but just remember she is still your queen".

Alex gave him a death stare, she knew that. Alex rolled her eyes and walked back towards the queen.

"So, what's first?" Alex asked the queen.

"Well Alexandria, if you were listening in the last meeting you would know the details." The queen gave her a side glance pretending to be annoyed with her knight.

Alex knotted her head. She wanted to try to get on the queen's good side today... but only for a chance to see little Thomas.

Alex grabbed the queen's bag and hers to head inside the inn they would be spending the night. Alex placed the queen's bags down and checked her room to make sure there were no stowaways in the closet. The queen walked in behind her.

"I guess this place will do." The queen said looking around. "We will only be here for two nights and you can have the floor encase anyone tries to come in."

Alex smirked and slow walked closer to the queen who was standing next to the single bed. Alex licked her lips and watched as the queen's eyes dropped to them. Alex leaned closer to the queen. The queen stood there frozen... was Alex about to kiss her?

Alex stretched her arm in front of her almost brushing the side of the queen's waist. Alex then smirked harder at the queen leaning past her to grab a pillow and throw it on the floor. The queen let out a breath as Alex walked to the closet and grabbed an extra blanket tossing it next to the pillow.

The queen stared at Alex... two can play this game.

A knock was heard at the door, it was Jack informing them that it was time for the queen's meeting with the town counsel. The queen smiled and thanked him. She walked passed Alex allowing her hand to brush against Alex's. Electricity ran through Alex's veins.


Alex followed the Queen to the town meeting and stood towards the back. It was the same thing that every meeting had in common. Old men complaining about how their needs are not being met and requesting more money, the weather not being right for the crops, and overall how horrible the queen was at doing a "man's" job. Although that last one was never directly spoken, it was always implied.


The sun was setting by the time the meeting ended. The queen and her knight walked out of the meeting hall.

"Do you always have to have that look on your face during these meetings" The queen stated turning to look at Alex "it can be.... Distracting."

"I don't have a look" said Alex simply

"Yes, you do dear. It's a mixture of bored and something else I cannot quite put my figure on" said the queen running her finger down the side of Alex's jawline smiling. Goosebumps appeared on Alex to which the queen grinned at. Stepping forward and closing the gap between them, the queen continued speaking in a low raspy voice. "You know, we could always...."

"Ally!" a female voice shouted from a few yards away. Alex pulled her gaze away from the queen and looked to see who was shouting that name. Only one person ever called her that.

"Lilly?" questioned Alex running towards this person. The queen stood there looking out at her knight. Something inside twisted. Who was this person and why did she call Alexandria, Ally? No one ever calls her that, not even the knight's best friend Jack. The queen walked forward moving closer to her knight.

Alex hugged Lilly and kissed her on the cheek. Continuing to hold her hand, Alex beamed. The queen has never saw Alex smile so brightly, not even with Catherine.

"I missed you so much! How are you? How's Little Thomas? How is everyone? Look at you! You haven't changed! Sorry I haven't been able to write often. Have you been getting the money I send?" Alex spouted off leaning in to kiss the woman on the cheek again.

"I missed you too. I'm fine. Little Thomas is getting so big, he talks about you every day. Everyone is okay." Lilly laughed smiling brightly back at Alex. "We do received the money and it helps so much".

The queen fumed... this was not how she wanted her little game to go. Also, she did not like being ignored. Alex felt the hair on the back of her neck stand up and she glanced at the queen, who eyes were beginning to darken. Lilly looked over to see what Alex was looking at and finally notice the queen. Embarrassed, she hurriedly smiled and bowed.

"Forgive me my queen" Lily stated. "I was just really excited to see my Ally again..."

The queen just stared between the two. "Yes well, our dear Alexandria can be quite..." the queen trailed off while knotting her head to signal Lilly to stand up. The queen looked over Lilly's features and somehow they looked familiar.

"This is Lilly" Alex stated to the queen "my younger sister." The queen smiled. She wasn't sure why, but hearing that this woman was Alex's sister made the queen happy. Alex released her sister's hand and gestured towards the queen.... "Lilly, this is Queen Isabela"

Lilly laughed "Yeah I know you dork." And playfully pushed Alex slightly. "How did you make knight again? I doubt it was for your smarts.... I mean I have some stories."

Alex shot Lilly a death glare and the Queen perked up.

"Do tell" the queen stated.

"It's getting late." Interjected a laughing Alex "I should get the queen safely back to her room for dinner"

"Come to dinner at our house!" Lilly stated "Please, Ally we missed you."

Alex looked at the queen as if asking for permission to go. But she knew that would be dangerous. She couldn't leave the queen alone.

"We haven't ate since breakfast this morning..."Alex said while rubbing the back of her head trying to think of how she could get the queen to agree to visit her family's little home. "I know I'm pretty hungry and the food at the inn didn't look the best. Lilly is an amazing cook, she learned it from our mother. We would be honored if you came.... please"

The queen smile and knotted. She could be fairlyconfusing at times. At times, Alex could swear the queen was flirting with her one moment, then ice cold the next. The queen ruled so harshly, she killed men with waving her hand,but yet here the queen was smiling and agreeing to come to Alex's family home.

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