Chapter 186: Fifth Life - Search for You III

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I wanted Ming Yan to come to us with results within a few days. However, it turned into months. The risk of Yi Fei finding out is greater. I've told her I was complacent with life now and that I was no longer thinking to find Yang Zi Huo, she doesn't buy the whole story. She is currently occupied with research. One thing I have not kept from her is the deterioration of my health. She is actively looking for a cure by hiking unknown mountains and exploring mysterious caves. I've come to terms with my destiny to die by this darkness. Yi Fei is unwilling.

The sun is setting and hues of ruby rose and golden dahlia is reflected in the sky. The crystals of Shui Jing Mountain beamed an even brighter glow. I'm waiting for Gu Yi and Ming Yan to join me for another meeting. My eyes drift over to the top of the stairs and see Gu Yi entering. Carrying a large bag, he is out of breath.

"Gu Yi," I run over to him. "What is this?"

"Madam, Ming Yan-" He stops to catch his breath. "Ming Yan has found a way!"

Excited, I cry, "Really?! Where is she?"

In the blink of an eye, Ming Yan appears behind us. 

"You teleported?" Gu Yi is dumbfounded. Not many can use their powers here at Shui Jing Mountain because Yang Zi Huo had created a spiritual block. However, non-demonic energy can still prosper. 

"Hurry! We must set the altar as before night fall!" She tells us. I hurriedly grabbed the bag from Gu Yi and ran after Ming Yan. Gu Yi is yelling and struggling to catch up with us.

We quickly set up the altar as Ming Yan directed. In the Starlight Cave, I notice Ming Yan stealing glances at Yang Zi Huo lying on the golden platform. As Yang Zi Huo's unnamed life partner, I've been selfish and kept him away for myself. An outstanding monument was erected as his tomb inside of Bleak Night. Not many knew his body was still kept intact all these years with the golden platform. Ming Yan was part of the few that knew but never made the trip to see him in Shui Jing Mountain. 

"Head Physician Qie?" Gu Yi called her attention. Deep in thought, Ming Yan's eyes are still on Yang Zi Huo. 

She responds, "Yes?"

"We've prepared everything as you said."

"Ah?" Her gaze finally turns to the elevated table with golden tools and sparkling sand. "Madam, are you ready?"

"Of course." To embark on an unknown journey just to reunite with him, I will always be willing.

"For this ritual... I will have to split my soul in two. One stays here to pull us back once the sands of time are about to run out. Another will accompany you. As for you Sect Leader, you will stay here and alarm me about anything disturbing our physical forms."

"Sounds risky. Will it be all right for you to separate your soul like that?" I ask.

"It should be fine as long as we return before the time is up. If not... then my other half will be lost and you will die."

Death? Death no longer scares me. 

I nod and accept the danger involved. 

"What is going on here?" Yi Fei's sudden entrance into the cave causes all of us to drop our mouths in shock. 

"Yi Fei?!" I quickly whisper, "Ming Yan, did you rat us out?" 

"It wasn't me!" She replies. 

Then was it Gu Yi?

She is pissed. Silently fuming, her eyes mirrored a fiery rage. She looks at each of us, taking a step closer. Turning her head to Ming Yan, she is disappointed and shakes her head.

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