Chapter 182: Fifth Life - Stay with Me V

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"Yuxing. Yuxing, wake up. I made you something to eat." I hear Yang Zi Huo's gentle coaxing as I slowly gain consciousness.

The sunlight overpowers the sensitivity of my eyes. Whimpering, I throw the silky covers over my face.

"You've already slept past noon, dear. Are you going to sleep all day and then stay up all night again?"

I toss the blanket off, sitting up with my finger pointing at him. "Yang Zi Huo, you!"

Ow, my back! It's sore!

"Who do you think made me like this?!" I yell.

"You shouldn't have made me angry." He shrugs his shoulders as if it could have been such a simple situation.

"You-- Scoundrel..."

"Here, let me look. I'll massage until you feel better."

"No! Don't come near me. G-- Go away."

He sighs heavily and says, "As you wish. I'll be in my study. Food is on the table if you feel like eating."

He rises from the bed, leaving through the transparent, golden curtains hanging from the ceiling.

Before he closes the door completely, I yell after him after examining the stinging on the left side of my chest. "Yang Zi Huo, you big bully! How dare you bite me here?!"


After a tranquil bath in the hot spring, I find a pale, disciple robes folded neatly for me on the side.

Walking into Yang Zi Huo's study, I feel the tension in my legs had somewhat alleviated after the bath. However, the soreness is still there.

"Zi Huo, what are you doing?" I ask, approaching his desk. He is focused on reading a long letter with utmost concentration.

"Oh, Yuxing, you're here? Just catching up on some reports I've missed."

Leaning at the side of his desk, I watch him continue to read. He suddenly sets down the piece of paper, staring straight ahead with a look of contemplation.

"What is it?" I ask.

Not fully turning to face me, he says, "I heard from Zi Xue that you were able to overpower Hong Weiba. He's not the strongest demon within Wicked Mist, but he is powerful."


"How is it that your cultivation has improved so greatly?"

"Well, when Yi Fei took me to the Divine Creator's resting realm... There was a big explosion--"

"Explosion?" Yang Zi Huo stands. Worry plagues his face, and his eyebrows furrowed together.

I raise my hands. "We were able to get out of there unscathed. Yi Fei teleported our spiritual presence out just in time. I was unconscious for awhile but when I awakened, my inner energy had improved immensely. Yi Fei said it was due to absorbing the Marvel Sphere."

"So the Marvel Sphere... was absorbed by you?"


"I see. The Marvel Sphere is the reason behind your new essence." He suddenly looks down at me. "I will make sure demons like Hong Weiba never get the chance to lay a hand on you, although I'm sure you can handle him just fine."

I smile. "And I'll do the same for you."

His fingers graze over my hand, holding it gently.

"So now that you're back, what's the first order of business?" I wonder.

Every Lifetime I Fall {COMPLETED but undergoing revisions}Where stories live. Discover now