Chapter 90: The Underworld - Tempting

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The Black Market isn't an easy place to get to. A lot of the things smuggled in there could get you into a lot of trouble, especially the items that can have influence in your reincarnated life. The strict security in the Underworld doesn't allow for the Black Market to freely operate, thus it takes place in the world of the living, invisible to mortals.

Over the years of dying and reincarnating, I've kept close eyes and ears on the market, never taking that chance because I didn't want to get sent to purgatory. However, now I don't care. The desire is stronger than fear of punishment!

To get to the market I will have to go to earth. There is a backdoor out of the Underworld, but it's not the safest route and wholesome souls stray far away from it. I will have to pay a huge sum of money to get to the door.

Walking up to the mysterious docks along the River of Forgetfulness, a man in a straw hat keeps his head down. A bamboo platform floats on the river, swaying up and down.

His rough voice reaches my ears, "You seek the Black Market?"

"Yes. How did you know?" I'm curious to how he knew my purpose for being there. Perhaps all souls seeking the Black Market has approached him in the past.

"I only appear to those who seek the market. Those who do not, would merely go on their way."

"Do you know the way then?" I'm getting excited at the thought of going to the market, finally brave enough I will explore the wonders of it all.

He shakes his head. "I do not. But pay the fare, and the float will lead you there."

"Seems ominous."

"That's a chance everyone has to take when they want to leave."

Thinking about going back, I wonder if I could help return Yi Fei back to her body. Would her body still even be at Invigorating Essence Sect?

"Can I bring my friend? I have to get her back to the world of the living."

"Only those who seek the Black Market can leave through this route. Her mind is lost and cannot ride the bamboo float to the world of the living."

It's so eerie that he knew that much about Yi Fei. I wonder what he knows about me, but brushed off the distracting thoughts. I can't chicken out now, I must go to the Black Market.

"Fine then. How much do you want?" I asked.

"Just one hundred thousand ghost papers."

"Haha. Not a problem." I transferred the money from my account into my hand and hand it to him.

"Good. Good. Now, step onto the float, but watch your step. The souls of the river wishes for you to join their fate."

Ugh, creepy.

I carefully step onto the bamboo float, one foot at a time. It isn't stable at all and would wade from side to side. I immediately sit down to secure its balance.

"Don't waver over the voices. Don't get off the float." That's his last warning before the bamboo float starts moving against the river. As the little waves flows against it, the float pushes ahead. Clutching onto the surface, I'm afraid of touching the water as I don't know what kind of effects it has.

Illusions reflects on the water, forming into enticing dreams. A bowl of noodles, skewered meat, and even tanghulu. All foods I wish to enjoy again once I reincarnate.

No! No! I mustn't give in!

"Rong Xin," the image spoke.

I turn to face the rippling water to find Yang Zi Huo's face following the float. He smiles warmly calling my name.

"Rong Xin. Let's go watch the fireflies."

It's not really him... Even if it is him, I won't let myself be taken advantage of!

The image morphs into the same face but with different clothing. He's now wearing his hair in a clean and noble bun.

"Mingxian. It's been too long."

K- Kong Shuguang?!

"We still have many sunsets to watch together, don't forget. Your eye sight is all better now?"

I... I'm not listening!

The reflection is tempting me once more. It distorts itself into a younger version of the same man.

"Mu Dan... "


"Mu Dan, have you memorize the scriptures?"


"Mu Dan, no matter if you cannot read or write anymore, I will make you my wife. Don't be sad."

I cover my ears to drown out the voice. Close my eyes with all the strength in my face. I don't want to hear him. Don't want to see him. I hate him!

Suddenly the float comes across a fall of rain drops. The river is falling and the float plummets down into the darkness. I follow behind as the speed of gravity pulls me down. Screaming, a short moment of regret shakes inside my chest.

Every Lifetime I Fall {COMPLETED but undergoing revisions}Where stories live. Discover now