Chapter 153: KSG V

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"Senior Sister, do you remember the girl I was telling you about?"

Lying perfectly still on the golden platform, the ceiling window bestows ray of light onto her. It's become a habit to visit Senior Sister and talk to her, even though she doesn't respond.

"Well, she will be living at Invigorating Essence from now on. I will fix her eyes, so she can become the best physician there is."

I lean back in the chair and cross my arms. "I know what you're thinking. You think I have a weird obsession for her. Haven't I always wanted the best for my patients?"

Staring at Senior Sister, I know what she would have said if she was here.

"For the longest time I thought I would live here with you and Uncle Gao forever. Had no wishes to have someone be by my side. You and Uncle Gao were enough... But Mingxian, she-- She is influencing me to think differently. Even I feel that I've become strange."

I pause.

"I'm working on creating the Ruby of Eternal. I know you would be against it... Just know that I decided to do this because I owe you and Uncle Gao and... because you're my only family. I know Uncle Gao was trying to protect me when he sealed my powers but don't worry. I'll be fine. Really. This will be the more difficult task. Fixing Mingxian's eyes should only require a straightforward remedy."

Smiling to myself, I say, "I wish you could meet her, Senior Sister. She's a bit rough around the edges but is quite adorable."

Later in the evening, I head to Mingxian's room.

"Mingxian, I've prepared some medicine for you." I enter her room with a hot bowl filled with the dark medicine I brewed for three days and nights. I barely got any sleep, however I'm hoping it won't all be for nothing.

Mingxian is sitting on the stool in light clothing, ready for bed. "Medicine? Don't tell me the only treatment you have for me is to digest medicine?"

"Well... it's a start." As they say physicians are the worse type of patients. She is logical and questions my treatment methods... as she should.

I make my way over to the table she is sitting at. Setting down the tray, I place the ceramic bowl in front of her. She inhales the fumes from the bowl, making a disgusted face.

"Kong Shuguang, what did you put in it?"

"Just some Autumn Seeds and Raven Feathers along with Red Moon Drop."

"You have Red Moon Drop here?!"

Red Moon Drop is one of our rarest herbs. A flower that only blooms once a hundred years during a Blood Moon. It can heal most chronic conditions, but I'm not sure about its elements when treating blindness.

"Yes, we have a good amount. Only I am allowed to use it," I tell her proudly.

"Wow." She picks up the bowl and gives it another sniff.

"Would you like to give it a try?"

Slowly tipping the hot liquid into her mouth, Mingxian drinks it all. She sets the bowl on the table and coughs from the bitter taste.

"Eat this." I open up her palm and put a sweet caramel in her hand. I carry candy often just for this reason, and I knew she would not like the bitterness.

"Is this candy?" She asks.

"Something to have after drinking bitter medicine. To get rid of the taste."

"Good candy." She swirls the candy around in her mouth, chewing as it gets soft.

A month of brewing and feeding medicine to Mingxian proved to be fruitless. Her eyesight did not improve.

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