Chapter 97: Fifth Life - The Rain is Setting

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"Yes, this is Sect Leader Yang Zi Huo of Bleak Night. My nephew is this man over here." The Prime Minister draws our attention to an older man who rises from his chair and turns around to face us.

Heavens, I thought that demon was somehow the Prime Minister's nephew, but he's not. Anyhow what is he doing here?

"Greetings Sect Leader. Greetings Scholar Liu." My father bows to them both.

I know this isn't the best choice of action, but I couldn't stop staring at that demon. My eyes doesn't move from him at all. As my father made conversation with the Prime Minister and his nephew, I observe the look on that demon's face. He gets uncomfortable with my staring and starts to glance at me here and there.

You don't recognize me at all, you liar.

Wait... that's a good thing!

He excuses himself and leaves.

I'm finally able to breathe again.

Listening to my father's conversation, he is trying really hard to push me with that old man. He's nearly sixty! I would've thought that a nephew would be younger than the uncle!

"Don't you think you are a good match with my nephew, Miss Xiao Tong?" The Prime Minister asks.

"Heh... Well..."

"If you don't mind having me." The old man licks his lips and I almost visibly gag.

"Hopefully, you'll be the last woman he takes in!" The Prime Minister teases the old man.

"Oh, Uncle! You know I'm a virtuous man."

"Listen, Miss Xiao Tong. Although my nephew has eleven concubines, he hasn't taken in a wife. If you could do him this honor, surely you'll be blessed!"

Oh, no. Oh, heavens no.

My father answers in my stead, "Of course, of course. It will be a wonderful union."

Fuck that!

"Would you all please excuse me? I'm afraid I left for too long and my maidservant is unattended." I bow quickly and make my escape.

Quickly maneuvering in between the crowd, I try to find the farthest place away from there. Walking across the bridge in a daze, I rush over to an empty pavilion on the small island.

A few deep breaths in.

A few deep breaths out.

My heart is calm. My spirit is at ease.

Closing my eyes, I picture him.

His slender nose, doe eyes, straight eyebrows, small full lips.

"Ack! Stop it!" I punch myself in the gut. "Ow."

Looking across the pond to the gathering of people, I realize the darkness surrounding me leaving a sense of loneliness. I feel as though this is how I have to live my life now. Away from people because I can't stand them, for I know too well the selfishness within people's hearts. You will only get hurt if you care. It's better for me to protect myself and do what's necessary to live a full life.

"At least it's a beautiful night." I watch the dark sky for stars only spotting a few sparkling brightly.

Suddenly a ball of light flutters right in front of my eyes. "Huh?"

I reach out to cup the small glow in my hands. Slowly releasing it, I see wings wave rapidly as the glow flew away. Focusing intently on that little one, I didn't even see the flood of overflowing bulbs like an ocean of stars on earth. As they glide over the water, I watch closely with a small smile appearing on my face. I wonder what other beauties of life is out there in the world that I have yet not seen.

"Do you... like fireflies?"

I turn to the dark side of the pavilion to where the voice came from.

I gasp loudly. So loud that the sound stay locked in my ears. 

As the figure approach the light, his white robes glistens like clouds of heaven. His particularly handsome face is illuminated by the moonlight. 

C-- Calm down! You have a new face. He doesn't know it's you, so act natural!

After some inner self-encouragement, I clear my throat and answer him, "They're fine." 

Looking away from him, I pretend to have no interest in his presence. 

He comes stand next to me, observing the flight of the fireflies. We stand in silence with the drown out music and chirping of crickets. 

I feel comfortable and uncomfortable at the same time. He is familiar and yet a stranger. And I to him, not someone he recognizes.

Peeking, I could see that he has no interest in conversing with me. Perhaps, he just thinks of me as some lowly politician's spoiled daughter. No matter! I have to act natural and make another escape. 

"Young Miss, I was looking all over for you!" Chuju runs up to me, out of breath.

Chuju is my savior!

"Sorry, I went for a walk." 

"Please let me go with you next time..." Chuju stares over to that demon with suspicion. She is probably thinking that it's not appropriate for me to be alone with a man in this dark area. 

"It's fine. I was just making my way back. Let's go." I walk pass her and across the bridge, leaving that demon alone on the pavilion.

Not once did I look back. 

Every Lifetime I Fall {COMPLETED but undergoing revisions}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ