Chapter 116: Fifth Life - Blessings of Qi Xi

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After a light breakfast by myself, I'm washing the dishes in the back courtyard. Yang Zi Huo left in the early morning to help the villagers.

I walk around the area observing the clairvoyant nature. The sun's ray slips through the branches and reaches the entirety of the forest. The thick air adds to my discomfort as I fan myself with a fan I found in the house.

"Bah, there's nothing to do."

I wonder what that demon is up to with those villagers. Do they expect the demon lord to really get on his hands and knees and help them with farming?

"Hehe. Wouldn't that be quite a sight?"

Making up my mind, I go looking for him.

Walking far into the rice paddy fields toward the small figures I see. The villagers seem to be weeding out wild plants as well as maintaining soil efficiency. The rice looks to be growing well. A tall man with a straw hat and plain beige clothes stood out from the rest.

"Ha! That demon is farming," I laugh to myself.

He looks up at me waving his muddy hands. Specks of dirt marked his face as a playful smile spreads across.

He slowly lifts his feet on his way to me. I stare with disparaging eyes.

Yang Zi Huo steps out of the muddy field and asks me, "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see the Demon Lord of Bleak Night do farm work. It's quite sacrilegious." I cross my arms.

"I've always been supportive of those who farm the land. I've helped the villagers here farm for years now."

"Huh," I say not impressed.

"Hey, Young Master Yang! Who's this?"

"Your wife?"

Two older women walk up to us with baskets of farming utensils on their back. They are curious about my identity and assumes I'm the wife of Yang Zi Huo!

"I'm not." I bow to them.

"She's not?" One of them looks confused and points at my face.

"Ah..." Yang Zi Huo doesn't answer.

"When are we gonna meet your wife?"

"Yeah, didn't you have one?!"

They accuse him of hiding this secret wife. Just what has he been telling these naive villagers?

"You have a wife?" I turn to him.

"Yeah, he says he has a wife, so he's turned down every girls' handkerchief at the Qi Xi festival every single year."

"Right. Right. Last year, Xiao Man got turned down by Young Master Yang and she became depressed and did not eat for days!"

"Wow," I let out. How could one starve oneself after a rejected romance? You have to eat and gain your energy to live better without them!

Yang Zi Huo finally defends himself saying, "I didn't mean to lie to you all. I just meant I'm already taken."

"Then just who is this lucky woman?" One of the woman leans in.

He takes a quick glance in my direction.

"So who are you?" One woman wants to know.

"I'm... his aunt you see," I lie through my teeth.


"You two look nothing alike though."

"I said I'm his aunt, not his mother."

"But you're so young."

"Doesn't matter. Anyways, it's best these girls choose another person to give their handkerchiefs to. It will actually improve their luck. Being with Yang Zi Huo should be the last thing they wish for."

I walk away after making my point. They continue chattering about.

I guess the Qi Xi celebration is coming around again. Even small villages like this makes a huge fuss about it. It's encouraged for young people to profess their love. It seems that this certain village has a tradition of women gifting their sewn handkerchiefs to the person they're interested in.

Hundreds of years ago, they didn't have such a ritual when I lived here with Lu Kai. It must have been recently adapted over the years.

It's laughable so many young women are vying for Yang Zi Huo's attention. If they knew better, they would find him repulsive. I didn't even know him long in this lifetime, and I already came face to face with death!

I must leave now. Leave while no one is looking.

The village isn't too far up ahead. From there, I can pay someone to give me a ride to Yeguang City.

Entering the small market in the village, my eyes wonder for small trinkets and snacks to purchase.

People walk pass, whispering with eyes glaring.

"She's the woman Young Master Yang brought here."

"Is she really his wife?"

"So that's who he settled for?"

"She's nothing special!"

Excuse me!

I can't stay here any longer. These people were completely fooled by that demon.

"Yuxing, did you want to buy something?"

"Ack!" I yell when Yang Zi Huo's face invades in front of mine. I was about to race out and accidentally press my lips against his cheek.

The crowd around us gasps in shock.

"Oh my God." I place a hand to my mouth as Yang Zi Huo places his hand to his right cheek.

He clears his throat as if I didn't just violate his face and says, "Suddenly, I want to drink your snow tea. Let's go back to the cottage."

My spirit has left my body. Really. I can't move my legs and my mind replays the moment when my lips came into contact with his cold skin.

"Yuxing?" He calls me.

"Hmm? What?"

"Let's go home." He reaches for my hand strongly gripping. His fingers link in between mine. I try to hold my ground while Yang Zi Huo drags me back.

"Wait! Yang Zi Huo." People stare at us during the entire ordeal. Struggling to break away, Yang Zi Huo pulls me even closer to his body.

"Stop fidgeting."

"Let go of me. People are looking!"

"Do what you did earlier and I will." His eyes sparkle with mischievous. Those lips stretches thin into a sly smirk.

"You know I didn't mean to do that!"

"Doesn't matter." He turns around, walking slowly. My feet moves in rhythm with his, and I can't bear to look at the villagers.

Too embarrassing!

Walking through the rice paddy fields, Yang Zi Huo and I walk side by side. The sky blushes in colors of coral and violet.

We don't say a word. The dirt being crushed underneath our feet is the only sound blocking out the awkward silence.

I can't bear to look up at his face. I'm too embarrass because of what happened earlier. How could I have done the one thing I absolutely did not want to do?!

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