Chapter 96: Fifth Life - Matched

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The Prime Minister's residence is embellish with long cloth ribbons in celebratory of his achievements. Smooth red silk covered the fifty or so tables with wooden stools circulating. Dishes of savory food, sweet pastries, and refreshing fruit cut into shapes are neatly placed on top. Of course, there is no celebration without wine. An expensive jar of wine sits across from me, and I want to pour it all down my throat to get though the night.

My father attentively listens to the Prime Minister's speech, thanking everyone for coming to his home. His residence is huge. This courtyard could fit over one hundred people with room to spare. He even has a small bridge overlooking a beautiful pond. Koi fish swims beneath the surface and large lilies populate the water.

The She-Demon has on her best purple robes and golden accessories. To her dissatisfaction, I wore a plain blue dress with ordinary pins in my hair. I never had much luxury to begin with, so to expect me to put together an outfit of a goddess would be ludicrous.

Everyone waits for their chance to meet with the Prime Minister along with their gift. I did not bother seeing what my father brought him. Most likely something he cannot afford but for the sake of appeasing someone in power, he probably sacrificed our finances for the next few months.

"Your lordship," my father greets the Prime Minister. After waiting for all the other politicians to meet with the Prime Minister, my father drags me along.

"Oh! Magistrate Han!" The Prime Minister happily greets him. His grey beard made him appear grandfatherly and generous.

"Congratulations on your birthday, someone of my status does not have anything worthy to present you, but I hope you will accept this small gift."

"Well, thank you. It is a great honor to receive a gift from you."

My father pulls my arm and says, "This is my daughter, Xiao Tong. She wants to pay her respects to you."

"Greetings, Prime Minister." I bow trying my best to be cordial.

"So this is your daughter! She's quite beautiful."

"Not at all. She still has a lot to learn," my father rebuttals.

"Let's have her meet my nephew. He's right there." Prime Minister raises from his seat and gestures us to follow him to a nearby table.

A man stands up and we can only see the back of him. Half his hair tightly wound up and half lying gracefully down his back. His broad shoulders expanded like two meeting mountains. His height is much taller than the others at his table and his aura exerts an intimidating feeling.

"This is my nephew." Prime Minister points out the mysterious man.

Turning around, I see a familiar face...

I can't breathe.

I can't stop shaking.

Tears are welling.

And for just a moment the music, the noise of conversation ceases to exist.

No one is in this space except for us.

He is all I can see.

"Yang Zi Huo?"

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