Chapter 132: Fifth Life - Once Again Strangers II

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"So aren't you going to ask me about Sect Leader Yang?"

I almost spit out the noodle soup swirling in my mouth. "I don't want to know, okay?"

"You're not even one bit curious?"

I swallow my food and reply, "Not even one bit."

"I get it. I thought you might still be upset about the wedding getting called off."

I snap at her, "I'm not mad, all right. I'm so happy it worked out this way. You know I couldn't stand that guy."

"Then are you with anyone right now?"

"Well... No. I'm not interested in anyone at the moment."

Heh. More like no one finds me tolerable.

"I see. Maybe you'll meet someone tonight."

"Why do you say that?" I lift the bowl to my mouth and finish drinking the soup.

"Tonight Yeguang City has the Fall Firework Festival. Maybe you'll meet someone if you go."

"No, I'm not going. I'm leaving to Invigorating Essence after this. I just came to see you for a bit and drop off some gifts."

She sighs, "Fine. Fine. I'll wait for your next visit a year from now. Please reply to my letters at least."

"I'll try."

After an hour of talking, I say goodbye to her and Ting Bai. Next time, I'll bring a little toy for the boy.

The night market in Yeguang City is still as vibrant and alive as ever. I mean it's only been a year. Not much had changed. Except, I'm really surprised by Chuju. She's seemed to grow up so much. She's a mother now, a wife while I'm still stuck in my own orbit of self-centered living. I haven't grown as a person at all.

"Bah! I'm still cool as hell." I cross my arms and walk around the market looking at the merchandise.

Music and noisy conversations riddled the entire festival area. It's too crowded so I stop at a vendor selling hairpins. Most of them have flowery attachments and hanging beads.

This one... It's cute. Maybe I'll buy it for Yi Fei.

While admiring the ivory white hairpin, my eyes intuitively wonders over to the near distance.

Staring into the dark abyss, it stares back.

Yang Zi Huo.

Closer and closer, he makes his way through the crowd. My body feels frozen to the spot, I can't lift my legs to run at all. Dropping the hairpin, my eyes remain on his face. With his nose high in the air, his eyes moves pass me.

As he approaches, I'm bracing myself as if he's going to eat me whole.

Time slows down to the milliseconds. The scent of sweet caramel permeates through my nose. The other lingering smells of street food and city fumes progressively disappears and the people out of sight.

Yang Zi Huo keeps his eyes to the front. Walking within in inch of touching me, he passes me by.

For the first time in my life, I've never felt anything like I did now.

Complete and utter sensation of chilling contempt.

That's right. We are strangers to each other now. What was I expecting?

Somehow this felt like a knife slicing across the surface of my heart. I'm no longer anyone worth anything to him. Not even a memory worth holding on to. I laugh at myself. The absurdity to actually think he would chase after me again when I've tried numerous times to hurt him. Seems like he finally got the message. And I despise myself for being a bit sadden by that. This was best for both of us.

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