Chapter 31: Third Life - Sin is Shadow

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For two months, I tracked the Demon Lord's subject. I'd finally located the man living in a cottage outside of a small village. He was once a well respected leader within the Demon Sect, and now hid in shacks meant for rats. A truly laughable sight.

In the darkness of the night, I blew open the wooden doors with my palm. Wu Dufeng sat quietly molding a piece of wood with a small knife.

"You've finally found me," his gentle voice said as if meeting an old acquaintance.

"Wu Dufeng, where is the Demon Lord?" I asked, unsheathing my Meteor Sword.

He scoffed, "If I knew where the Demon Lord is, do you think I would live like this? As a small village carpenter?"

"Whether you know or not, today is your last."

I lunged the Meteor Sword at his chest, but he quickly evaded and we circled around the small dinner table. Eager to end his life, I used the Five Thunderous Palm on the table, causing it to break in half. With an opening, I slashed across his robe. Only he ran to the other side of the room quickly that the cut was not deep enough to draw blood. Wu Dufeng was not a strong Martial Artist, but he was cunning. Therefore, I had to be twice as fast.

As his back was turned, I aimed my sword to pierce through his spine. However, he turned and blew a yellow powder into the air. Afraid of getting poisoned, I flipped backwards and covered my nose. As I was distracted, I saw him made his way out the door. I didn't want to fail my mission, so I rushed out after him.

Remembering my tactic of Distant Sword, focusing my powers and energy, I forcefully cut the air with the Meteor Sword. A white hue accented a powerful force that caused a cyclone of wind to push Wu Dufeng into the air. He landed on the ground with his back deeply slashed. My powers injured his internal organs and caused him to spit blood.

Lying on the ground defenseless, he turned to face me. Wanting to make this quick and easy for him, I raised my sword.

Just then a young child screamed, "Stop! Don't kill my father!"

Stopping the swing of my sword, I almost chopped off the hair of a young boy as he shielded Wu Dufeng.

"Don't kill my father!" He ordered. I dropped the Meteor Sword to my side, intrigued by the situation.

"I told you to run away!" Wu Dufeng yelled.

"Father... I can't let you die."

I didn't know what to do, so I stood still with a confused expression, looking at Wu Dufeng and then at the young boy.

"Why are you people still coming after us when my father left Jianghu? We're trying to live a peaceful life, but you people keep coming to kill us! You killed my mother, isn't that enough?"

What? Left Jianghu? Master didn't tell me...

"Even if your father has left Jianghu... he still has to pay for the sins he committed," I told the boy.

As a supporter of the Demon Lord, he killed many Immortal Sect disciples and endangered Jianghu with evil seeds in the Demon Sect.

"My father has never hurt the innocent. Only he goes against bad people like the Immortal Sects. You all act so high and mighty but don't care about anyone but yourselves!"

"Please spare my child... you can kill me but not him," Wu Dufeng pleaded.

Of course, I was ready to kill him, but now with the kid yapping here, I didn't want to kill his father in front of his face.

"Father, please! We've already left that world so long ago, trying to live a normal life, and yet we are chased by people of these sects one after another. They're just bullies! Picking on the weak!"

"You should listen to your father," I warned him,
"Run away. I have no qualms with you, but tonight, your father must die."

"You!" He stood up to confront me. Just a young boy, but he was as tall as me.

"Wu Jing!" His father called.

"You have the Meteor Sword. You're Luo Na Li from Crimson Snow Valley."

I was losing interest in what the boy had to say, but I didn't want to kill him and continued to listen to his nonsense.

"You're not ashamed of being the Immortal Sects' dog? Sent out on assassin missions, executing anyone who disrupts the shoddy leadership of the Immortal Sects?!

"What are you talking about?"

Wu Dufeng groaned and revealed, "Luo Na Li... Crimson Snow Valley Sect is secretly the Immortal Sects' assassin group. Crimson Snow Valley has killed many people who stood up to the Immortal Sects. Think about it? Did you truly know the people you were killing? Or only what Zhao Bao Bai told you?"

Narrowing my eyebrows, I didn't understand what he was saying. My Master was a person of high morals and conducted herself with righteousness. She would never make me kill innocents... Never.

Suddenly, the boy said, "Go ask Zhao Bao Bai."

Then he stabbed me in the heart with a golden dagger.

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