Chapter 195: Three Realms III

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The next few days were a bit awkward as Yang Zi Huo and I try to get use to my new identity. Not much has changed in the Demon Realm, but most of the stares I receive were now from a place of distrust rather than indifference.

At the moment, Yang Zi Huo is occupied with Demon King duties. He has to do everything to the best of his abilities, putting in a lot of dedication in his work. I've also been using this time to cultivate, referencing memories from from time I was a disciple at Crimson Snow Valley and taking advantage of the power boosting items Yang Zi Huo has gifted me.

"Your highness, there are guests here to see you," Ying Huo reports.

"Guests?" I'm surprised to be getting a visit from anyone. It's not like I have relationships with others from the Demon or Heaven Realm. Nor did I keep close in contact with anyone from mortal lives.

Entering the palace hall, I see Yang Zi Huo talking with a woman dressed in a silver dress, reflecting colorful patterns. Her hair is brushed back with blue fins protruding out from the brushed back style. A troop of women in scaly armor stand in neat rows, allowing for me to walk past.

Immediately falling to their knees, the women place one hand over their chest and bow. "Hail the return of the Divine Creator."

"Please! Please rise," I quickly say.

What a weird feeling!

"Divine Creator." The woman next to Yang Zi Huo walks up to me with a warm grin. "We are so happy you are back."


Yang Zi Huo comes over to my side, introducing the woman. "Yuxing, this is Chief Song Shi. She is the leader of the Mermaid Clan."

I bow quickly upon hearing that, bending my knees and lowering my head.

"No need to be formal with me, your highness," she says, her aqua blue eyes shimmering beautifully.

"I'm- Please to meet you."

"We are here to invite you to our home. We live in the sea where you created us. Your last gift to this world. We've been waiting for your return all these years."

Wow, Divine Creator made the Mermaid Clan before departing, yet no one treats them well from the Heaven Realm. Always looking down on them.

"I'd love to visit your home, Chief Song. I've never been there."

"Wonderful. We've prepared a great welcoming. Both you and Demon King are invited to join."

I look at Yang Zi Huo excitedly, nodding my head as to say we both should attend.

I want to learn as much as I can about their world. The Mermaid Clan is an exclusive society that doesn't allow others into their kingdom. A protective kind, they are shrouded in mystery. There are many reasons why they keep to themselves and are infamous for being rebellious.

Yang Zi Huo and I travel to the Mortal Realm with Chief Song and her troop. We approach the shore to the Eastern Sea. Sounds of the ocean collide with the edge of the earth. The foams of the waves cling onto the sandy beach before returning to sea.

"Yuxing, we'll travel through water. The Mermaid Kingdom is deep within the darkness of the ocean," Yang Zi Huo explains.

"How are we going to get there?" I look up at him with dread in my eyes.

He shakes his head. "The Mermaid Immortals are very fast swimmers, but they travel faster with the Majestic Sea Horses. We are non-water breathing creatures and will travel through magic platforms. Once we arrive at their kingdom, we won't need to use the magic to breathe."

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