Chapter 105: Fifth Life - I Know it's You

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"Thanks for coming, Young Lady Mo!" I hear Chuju bidding farewell to one of our most affluent customers.

Mo Su Yue lives in Yeguang City with her wealthy merchant family. Her father runs a successful business in importing goods from the west. Her mother is considered the Queen of Fashion, owning a number of clothing stores all around the city and neighboring major cities. Su Yue, herself, has a business. One that involves luxury spending. It's the business of being a total spoiled princess. As long as she continues to bring her crew of rich young maidens to my tea house, I have no problem sucking up to her for the time being.

"Yeah, well." Su Yue smiles stiffly at Chuju. "You know this place is great, but could use some work."

Chuju meekly says, "Really? But the Young Miss likes it like this."

"That's because she's been out of the country for too long. Her vast knowledge of tea could expand into hundreds of businesses all over the city. With my help, I can propel her career all the way to the Royal Palace."

"Ah, well. The Young Miss does like money, but not enough to draw fame to her work."

Su Yue shakes her head disapprovingly. "That's a pity."

"That's right, Su Yue," says one of her rich friends who has a face whitened with powder.

"You would do this place such an honor!" The other one chimes in.

"How can they just refuse your help like that, Su Yue Jiejie!" The youngest one cried.

With her ego built up, Su Yue smiles gleefully. "Well, it does take those with class to recognize one another. Not everyday do I offer my assistance to someone beyond help, but I am known to be charitable."

Observing their conversation from a gap in the curtain, I pull it open and walk up to the counter. All of their eyes on me.

"Thank you so much for your offer Young Lady Mo. I will definitely keep you in my thoughts. I do like my barbaric, foreign tastes better than the dainty preferences of uncultured recluses. Now your total is fifty taels."

Su Yue pounds her hand on the counter. "Are you saying I'm a recluse?"

"Not at all. I'm just saying Young Lady has not seen the rest of the world, and yet has already concluded that anything out of the norm in this society is considered low class. You should take a step outside Yeguang City to expand your ideas."

"You have one little tea house, and you think you're so great? We'll see how you do once my dad buys you out!"

I chuckle, "I look forward to it. Now the fifty taels."

"Don't act like I can't pay you." She reaches into her cloth bag, dropping the taels all over the wooden counter. Smirking, she leads her group of cronies toward the door.

"Oh heavens!" One of them yells.

"That-- That's Sect Leader Yang!"

"What's he doing here?"

Su Yue has her mouth dropped open, almost drooling as that demon walks by. In his hand, he holds a silky white pillow.

Handing it over to me, he said, "Your pillow."

I struggle to hide my frustration, pointing at him furiously.

"You pervert! Why do you have my pillow?!"

"You threw out the window and it hit me on the head."

"I-- Then why didn't you return it?!"

"I tried to come back inside, but the tea house had closed."

"Ugh! Keep it! I don't know what you did with it."

His face brightens with a soft blush. "I didn't do anything with it!"

Su Yue pops back over to interject our conversation.

"Yuxing Jiejie, you didn't tell me you personally knew Sect Leader Yang." Her tone is different and her posture flimsy with one side of her hips poking out. She coyly brushes back hair behind her ear.

Trying to clear my name, I protest, "I don't--"

"Sect Leader, I-- I'm a huge fan!" She yells like a deranged fangirl, cutting me off.

The demon doesn't look at her at all but continues to stare at my face.


"Serve me tea," he orders.

I scoff at him, "Excuse me? They just called you Sect Leader Yang? You're from Bleak Night. I won't serve you here!"

He drops the pillow on the counter and reaches over to grab my arm.


"If you won't serve me here then I'll take you somewhere where you will."


Nothing registers in that instant. Before I knew it, that demon pulls me to his side. A blue cloud of flashing mist encapsulates us, and I open my eyes to the colossal courtyard of Bleak Night, right in front of the Hall of Blue Flames. The same place where I came face to face with the Immortal Sects a lifetime ago.

I pull my hand away from his. It feels like I'm holding hands with a corpse!

"Why did you bring me here?!"

"For you to serve me tea."

"Hey." I place my hands on my hips. "I'm not one of your servants. You can't just abduct people from the city to become your slave!"

"I don't want anybody else. Just you," he explains. His whole demeanor is as if his actions were justified.

"You have Ming Yan here. What do you need me for?"

"Ming Yan?"

"Ugh! I'm leaving."

He blocks me. His tall shadow casting over like a thunderstorm about to erupt.

"I have something to show you."

I sigh, "What now?"

"Follow me."

He starts walking down the stone stairs, expecting me to follow him.

He hasn't changed one bit!

Rolling my eyes, I see my only option is to go along with him and then plan my escape.

We take a stroll along Dark Fall Lake. The same pavilion sits on the bank. The isolated path leads to the grave I had found years before. Why's he taking me there?

The gravesite looks clean with a dark patch visible in front of the tombstone. My eyes lit up upon seeing the Meteor Sword sitting delicately on the altar.

I want to put my hand out and grab it. I want to steal it! It's mine to begin with.

The demon stares at the grave for a long time. Picking up the Meteor Sword, he examines it carefully before handing it to me.

I smile so wide my cheeks are starting to become sore.

"You're giving it to me?"

I reach out, but he retracts.

"I will give you this sword only if you admit this one thing."


"Admit that you are Luo Na Li."


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Every Lifetime I Fall {COMPLETED but undergoing revisions}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ