Chapter 176: Fifth Life - Stuck with You II

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Trotting a few steps behind them, I watch Yang Zi Huo and Yan chatter as we walk through the marketplace.

You almost couldn't tell we that we're in demon city. A few fangs, discolored eyes, along with tails and other animal like characteristics are visible on the inhabitants. Otherwise everyone and everything appeared as it would in a normal mortal city.

So far no one is openly selling humans, so I guess that's a good sign. I'm worried as each second goes by, someone will notice something different about me and reach for my throat. 

Yang Zi Huo's hand is tightly wound around mine while he appears pleasantly talking to Yan. He gently squeezes my hand as if to say, I'm here. 

Staring at his side profile, I'm drawn to the many memories of our past. Mu Dan saw a friend whom she never thought would abandon her. This is the face of Wu Yi Huai that spoke gently to me, smiled for me and promised to be with me forever. Before... I only recognized it as the face of betrayal and pain.

His face, in its outer exterior has never changed. His heart... I'm sure has always been the same. I mean I felt it. I felt his passion, his desperation. I don't want to ignore his devotion because I know that my heart had also been genuine to him time after time. 

It's all in the past...

During our previous conversation where we supposedly said goodbye forever, he'd told me that we were over. Our fates brought us together only to show no mercy and tear us apart. He no longer wished to inconvenience me as he is the bane to my existence. And yet here I am, inconveniencing him anyhow.

"You should have seen him, sister-in-law!" I turn my attention from Yang Zi Huo's face to Yan. He's talking energetically with a tanghulu treat in hand. "When Da Ge attacked those wild beasts in Azure Sky Valley! I couldn't believe he took down three harpies on his own!" 

"Really?" I smile. 

Three harpies beasts? Those things are nothing to him...

Yan chews off a piece of candy and says, "Yeah. We just came back from an assignment, and Da Ge promised to get me anything I want when we get back."

"Yan, since your sister-in-law showed up unexpectedly, I hope you don't mind us using this time to catch up," Yang Zi Huo says.

My face scrunched up from the imaginary lemon taste in my mouth. His words alone are physically making me cringe.

"You owe me a jar of wine later, Da Ge!" Running off into the crowd, Yan disappears, leaving Yang Zi Huo and I behind. 

"You can let go now," I tell him. Pulling my hand from his, I avoid looking directly at him. 

"Sorry... We were sent to the Azure Desert for an assignment. It lasted a month, and Yan incessantly whined about eating all the good food as soon as we got back. I promised to treat him."

"Well, aren't you the doting big brother?" I scoff.

Yang Zi Huo frowns disapprovingly. "Just... come on. Let's head back to the inn."

On our way back, we walk past a colossal gate with metal spikes. I see demons in dark armors occupying different positions, inspecting those entering and exiting. Their form are much more intimidating with gigantic build and menacing glares.

Once we near the front of the inn, Yang Zi Huo doesn't take me to the back to the room.

Into the back courtyard, he enters the kitchen and we see Zi Xue stirring a pot on the stove.

"You're back?" She asks with a soft smile.

"Yeah, Yan went off to play some more."

"Good thing, Yong He came by today otherwise your pockets were going to hurt from Yan's extravagant appetite!"

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