Chapter 109: Fifth Life - My Heart Doesn't Listen

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I didn't bother to go to the firework show that night. If you seen one then you've seen them all.

With that demon coming to Xuehua so often, the place has become ridden with young girls infatuated with his looks. They cheer, fawn and stare at his every move. It can be a bit annoying, but I welcome the extra business, extra money.

"Sect Leader would like for you to serve him the lavendar snow tea." One of his stooge reports to me.


I prepare the taro root and needed ingredients. Performing the ice spell at last, the tea is placed in a wooden bowl. I set a long wooden spoon on the tray, and bring it out to the demon.

"Hello, Yuxing."

Setting the tray down, I place the bowl in front of him without a word. He is sitting in his usual seat out on the patio. Girls watch us from inside the tea house, too shy to sit near him.

I pick back up the tray about to take my leave.

"You're not going to speak?"

Sighing, I reply, "I don't have time right now. I'm working."

"Let's go on a walk after then." In his same cold demeanor he says that as if I don't have a choice.


Looking over to the girls who were all peering from the windows, I see their eyes emulating shadows of envy.

"Well, what do you say?" He asks.

Psst. Psst. Psst.

Just what they whispering about?

"Does Sect Leader Yang really like that tea house owner?"

"He's never come out of Bleak Night to Yeguang City this often before."

"I'll be really disappointed if he does like her."

"I know right? Out of all of us, why her?"

I can't believe that demon is causing this much damage to my ego! So what if he's a strong Sect Leader with riches and good looks? I'm a beautiful, young, business owner in one of the most popular city of this country.

Putting on a false grin, I oblige. "I'd love to. I'll go anywhere you go, Sect Leader Yang."

Peering over to the girls, I observe their stomping feet and muttering of incoherent insults.

"Good. Sit here. After I drink my tea, let's go. All right?"

"Uh... I..."

His eyes pleads with me as Lu Kai would have done in the past. Except his eyes now were dark blue like the night sea. Once enraged with powers, they will descend into a light sky color unleashing destructive blue flames.

I sit down at the table with him, just this once. In his heightened mood, he scoops up a spoonful of the tea and puts it into his mouth, appearing satisfied.

On the outskirts of the city, I shuffle my feet after the demon who is leading the way.

"Where are we going? I'm tired," I groan.

"To watch the sunset. Would you like me to carry you?"

"Eh? No need. You go ahead. I'll follow."

Hehehe. I'll turn back when he gets far.

"I'll walk at your pace then."


We continue walking down the dirt path in silence.

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