Chapter 26: Third Life - Blindly Loyal Student

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I started off as a student of the lowest tier joining other young students in the sect with laundry duties and keeping the entire place tidy. Once I turned twelve, I was then involved with basic training and set to guard the outer routes of Crimson Snow Valley. 

Taking my role seriously, I was always on guard on my route. Rule number one for guarding, kill anyone who attempts to invade the grace of Crimson Snow Valley. Even as the young, frightened child I was, if an intruder was to trespassed, I was ready to kill. 

On one particularly quiet night, I sensed the wind of an ongoing battle off the path. Curious as to who could be out fighting that late at night, I followed the noise of fluttering sleeves. 

A young woman dressed in white robes, defended herself against the force of a man dressed in a shining red gown. They fought fiercely without weapons, drawing forces from within to hurt the other. The man kicked the woman in the chest, sending her to the ground. She spat out blood from the attack, and lied down defeated. As the man was about to deliver a blow to her head, without reason, I was reminded of those bastards killing and hurting innocents.

Hurrying over to block his punch, I countered him with the sheath of my sword and exerted all of my inner energy to send him back a few steps. In his already weakened state, I was able to hold him off. 

"Young Hero, are you okay?" I asked the woman over my shoulders.

"Who told you to interfere?"

"I'm not going to wait until you're dead and then fight," I told her. 

Because I was a coward before...

"Hahaha, Zhao Bao Bai. You're really letting this child protect you? Have you no shame as the Sect Leader of Crimson Snow Valley?" The man asked as to stir up the Young Hero's pride.

"Zhao Bao Bai? You-- You're Sect Leader?" My wide eyes stared into hers. The hazel color painted a grey sky in her eyes as it sparkled charmingly, but her lips pulled into a frown. Was she upset that a replaceable student like me didn't recognize her?

Standing up with my aid, Sect Leader said, "Wei Jiao, you disgraced monk. Siding with the Demon Lord was the first mistake to your life of dishonor. You cowardly sabotage me and follow me to my sect. You really are begging for your life to end miserably."

"I'm not afraid of death," he spouted, "I'm afraid that one day you will cause the world to burn! You are not holy. You are evil, Zhao Bao Bai!"

He ran toward us with a dagger he pulled from inside his sleeve. His war cry deafening Sect Leader and I. Focusing on the basic forms I'd learn from training, I pulled my sword out, but Sect Leader Zhao pushed me away, taking on the man herself. She used her powers to choke his neck. He struggled as he floated higher and higher into the air. With the sound of bones cracking, Sect Leader released him and his body fell to the ground with a loud thud. I'd witnessed death before, killed before. I could never get used to it.

I reached out to Sect Leader as she fainted. Quickly reaching into my pockets, I shot the signal firework into the air, alerting for the others to come. 

As punishment... I didn't know why I was being punished... Perhaps because I interfered with Sect Leader's duel that she ended up more wounded as she tried to protect me. Anyway, she ordered for me to stand outside her chambers and await her orders. She never ordered me to do anything for a week, but I stood out there night and day. 

Finally seeing her venture out of her room, I greeted her with cupped fists, "Sect Leader!"

"Oh, you're still here?"

"Yes, Sect Leader."

"... What is your name?"

"Luo Na Li."

"Luo Na Li... that Killer Child?"


"You've killed but don't feel guilt?"


"I like your guts. From now on, you're my pupil."

Pupil? Sect Leader never accepted students before. We were always taught by Seniors and other Teachers, but to be Master's direct pupil? I-- I've been blessed.

"Yes, Master!" 

I proudly studied under Master's guidance. She was the type of teacher to be strict and not so talkative. You had to improve quickly over time or she would get impatient. I practiced my powers and reviewed my lessons from sunrise to sundown, and even until the moon was the only light in the sky. Over the past three years, when I turned fifteen, I'd become Master's favored disciple with certain privileges within the sect. This caused my relationship with the others students to become strained. However, I didn't care much for them as long as I served Master to the best of my abilities. 

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