Chapter 193: Three Realms

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Enjoying the springs and scenery of Shui Jing Mountain, the past few days passed by with ease. With only Yang Zi Huo and I, I really wished time wouldn't go by so fast.

Seated on the grassy overlook, Yang Zi Huo and I found a spot to watch the marvelous colors of the sunset. The pinkish orange tone coats the sky with the receding sun illuminating.

Holding my knees together, I observe a pair of hawks flying together in the distance. The gentle breeze feels cool and adds to the serenity of the view.

"It's surreal. To think we'd be back here together," Yang Zi Huo says quietly. His words almost disappearing with the movement of wind.

"Yang Zi Huo, the five years you were gone felt so horrible. I can't imagine you waited ten thousand years for me to return."

He wraps his right arm around me, causing me to lean over to his side. His sudden pull for affection stuns me, but I don't want to shy away.

"I waited patiently, but I started to wonder if something was keeping you."

My neck becomes strained from holding up my head. I rest on Yang Zi Huo's shoulder and feel wholeheartedly at peace.

"When I departed at capital city that day, I was kept prisoner in Purgatory. I wasn't allowed to reincarnate. Only Wu Jing saved me from being barred to ever live again... he helped me come back to you."

"Who kept you prisoner?! Also what happened to Wu Jing?"

"Perhaps that's a story I'll tell you another time."

Nodding, I feel the silk of Yang Zi Huo's robe. Inhaling the familiar scent that reminds me of home.

"Zi Huo, I always wanted to ask you this."

"What is it?"

"Did you want to be the Demon King? Was it something you chose for yourself?"

He sighs, "It's not something I chose for myself, but became a fate I could not refuse. I felt compelled to not only uplift the Demon Realm, but restore order in the balance of all Three Realms."

Confusing... but I admire all that he has done. The livelihood of demons depended on restoring the realm, thus eliminating desire to relocate to the Mortal Realm.

"Zi Huo, you're amazing. I'm always in awe of your bravery and kindness." Falling asleep, I slur what I truly thought of my dearest person.

"You are the amazing one."

Awakening, I'm alone in my room. He must have carried me back from the overlook. Stretching, I feel refreshed. Opening the window, the morning light envelopes the room.

"I better get ready." Running to the wash room, I start preparing for the day.

Yang Zi Huo knocks on the door. "Yuxing?"

I sit up in the tub, taken aback by his presence. "What's the matter?"

"How about we take a stroll around the nearby city today? I'll wait for you outside."


Walking side by side, I'm reminded of times from long ago. We're happily enjoying the scenes of human life. Not much has changed in all this time except for the change in fashion and preferences of color.

I'm hurrying to a stall to look at ornaments. Yang Zi Huo pulls me close when a man hauling a cart goes by, not sparing anyone in his path.

"Careful, Yuxing," he whispers in my ear.

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