Chapter 194: Three Realms II

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I don't think I heard him right. Did he just call me his Grand Aunt?

"What... did your majesty call me?" I look up at him, gritting my teeth nervously.

He steps away from the throne, descending down the white marble stairs. The flow of his pale cloak trails behind. Nearing, he stares at me with no emotion. I cower, trying to make myself small. His tall stature along with his dignified walk created the most terrifying aura.

"No need for formalities. You are my elder after all," he says with a bit of discontent in his voice.

"I- I don't understand what's happening."

"You've been gone too long. It's understandable that you can't recall. Please, follow me." The Heavenly Emperor holds his hands behind his back and walks on.

I did not expect such a situation to take place. My stomach is twisting uncomfortably, and my heart clenching tightly.

I walk a few steps behind him, not wanting to be at his exact pace.

We enter a beautiful garden with green grass hills and many fields of flowers. Multiple waterfalls existing on different levels of elevation. The clouds of a warm sky embraces the scenery.

"This is your home." He turns around to face me, uttering this unfamiliar phrase.

"H- How can the Heavenly Palace be my home?"

"Grand Aunt, you created everything here. This realm, this world."

I what?

"We called you the Divine Creator."

The Divine Creator?! That- That's insane! Me? I'm just a regular person!

"I think your majesty has the wrong person."

"Are you saying I'm wrong?" His serious expression tells me to rethink my wording.

"I mean... if I am the Divine Creator as your majesty says, then why is it only now I'm being summoned here? I've been around for a long time, living plenty of lives."

He turns back to view the garden. "I was occupied with other matters when I first heard about your presence. However, it was your wish to depart. I didn't want to intrude in your new life."

"I wanted to leave? But it's so beautiful here..."

"Being alive for thousands of years can turn one hollow." He pauses with a somber expression. Staring at me, he continues, "Grand Aunt was looking for something new. Therefore, we grieved your death, thinking you were to never return."

He's saying I was the Divine Creator who passed away from long ago.

"What is on your mind?"

I clear my throat before answering, "Heavenly Emperor... This is all so sudden. How do you know I am really the Divine Creator?"

"It came to my attention that the resting place of the Divine Creator had been disturbed."

Oh, that. So it did make it all the way to the top. Is he going to enforce punishment?!

I keep quiet as he explains, "Half of her essence went into the sky and half into the ocean. The Marvel Sphere manifested in her resting place and was also rightfully absorbed by you. Therefore, you may not be her entirely, but you are most of her in one vessel."


"I understand why you do not feel you are her incarnation. You are her, at the same time, you are you."

Every Lifetime I Fall {COMPLETED but undergoing revisions}Where stories live. Discover now