Chapter 159: WYH IV

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"Her wounds have healed... But I'm afraid permanent damage to her state of mind will not improve." The sullen physician notified me of Mu Dan's rehabilitation. "Whether it is the result of a head injury or the young lady's own mind reverting to a childlike stage to protect herself... she will be like this forever."

I looked over to Mu Dan drawing stick figures on the ground. She hums to herself a cheerful tune.

I smiled. "That's just fine."

Perhaps it is better this way.

"You may go," I said to the physician. He bowed and took his leave.

Mu Dan finally awakened. She appeared to be well rested and from what Guo Nai Nai had told me, Mu Dan ate whatever Guo Nai Nai fed her. It was good news to hear her appetite had returned.

"Mu Dan?"

She stared up at me. "Who are you?"

She has forgotten her past, which means she has forgotten me. It doesn't matter. As long as she can no longer remember the painful moments anymore.

"I'm Wu Yi Huai."


"What are you doing there?"

"Ha? Oh, I don't know. Just drawing something I can't quite remember."

She crossed out the drawing with the stick in her hand.

"Can I show you something?" She hesitated but handed the stick over.

In the dirt, I write my name for her. "This is how you spell my name."

"Pretty." Mu Dan tilted her head to the side. "Then what about my name?"

I wrote her name next to mine.

"Pretty Brother, can you teach me to do this?" She smiled.


Life went on as best as it could after everything that happened. My parents permitted my involvement with Mu Dan, although my mother was vocal about her disapproval.

"Yi Huai! Yi Huai!" Mu Dan loudly called my name as she ran uninvited into my study.

"Stop shouting so loud, I'm right here." Focusing on perfecting my calligraphy, I scolded her.

"Oh... sorry. What are you doing?" She watched me closely.

"You won't understand."

Mu Dan walked away with a sulky expression.

"Yi Huai, when can we play?" She asked, waving around a stick.

"Have you finished copying the scriptures I showed you?"

"I haven't..." she confessed.

I smiled to myself. She hasn't changed. Even from our lessons back during those summer days, Mu Dan barely copied scriptures as I'd ask.

"Then we can't play," I told her.

"Fine. Fine. I'll do it."

She reached over to the desk, grabbing a brush and a piece of paper.

Tapping the end of the brush on her chin, she reluctantly said, "Yi Huai... I forgot how to write this one..."

"Tsk. How many times do I have to show you?"

I took the brush from her hand and slowly drew each line.

I sighed, "How are we going to get married if you can't even do something as simple as this? I'm afraid you'll drop our kids on their heads."

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